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#51 2015-04-24 09:19:14

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9344

Re: Music and the Occult


#52 2015-04-24 09:30:33

Posts: 429

Re: Music and the Occult

Absolutely,  these Dastardly beasts must pay ;-)


#53 2015-04-24 09:42:49

Posts: 429

Re: Music and the Occult

Last edited by Harry08 (2015-04-24 09:43:43)


#54 2015-04-24 10:20:53

From: Gilligan's Island
Posts: 12991

Re: Music and the Occult

"bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay"


#55 2015-04-24 10:48:39

From: San Francisco
Posts: 6321

Re: Music and the Occult

Harpo, as usual, the voice of reason.

I dated a chick once who was into all kinds of crazy astrology mumbo jumbo (zodiac signs and all that nutty jive) and studied Ayurveda and was into all kinds of turgid spiritual pseudoscience that she couldn't actually explain or reason in any palpable sense. She was basically a totally dumb inarticulate hippie that pretended she wasn't. I have another friend who's a cool dude but beyond naïve and he believes in all kinds of ridiculous conspiracy theories like the gov't secretly planned 9/11 and equally dim-witted plots. To be clear, this doesn't apply to Harry or anyone else in this thread, but there's nothing that irritates me more than phony intellectualization displayed with such audacious presumptuousness and overconfidence by blockheads who have no clue what they're going on about.


#56 2015-04-24 10:54:53

From: San Francisco
Posts: 6321

Re: Music and the Occult

The same dude I mentioned above believes we faked the moon landing btw. It was all an elaborate hoax to crush the commies or something.


#57 2015-04-24 12:13:25

Posts: 7661

Re: Music and the Occult

Hey...9/11 is no lizard creature.. I wont go into it further it upsets people..but the US isnt the world super power by being mr nice guy...


#58 2015-04-24 12:38:12

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Music and the Occult

I occasionally encounter, through playing music, this guy that is a devout conspiracy theorist.  He's a real strange guy and I'd tell him flat out to shut the fuck up but he's also quite large and also has this manic look in his eye.  I really feel like if I told him he's a kook he'd probably chomp into my neck.  He talks about Freemasonry and then will randomly shift into a tirade about how immunization shots are tentacles of government control.  9/11 - conspiracy; moon landing - conspiracy; personal technology - again, a method of government surveillance and control.  You name the conspiracy theory, this guy subscribes to it.  And good luck changing the subject.  You try to steer him away by asking some inane question like "So, where did you eat lunch today?"  It's going to inevitably lead back to a conspiracy theory.  Criminy!

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#59 2015-04-24 13:15:41

Posts: 7661

Re: Music and the Occult

I think the observation made on people like that is that life is so vast and over whelming that they cant cope or process things so they concentrate things down to a cause so they can begin to get a grip on life...classic delusional stuff


#60 2015-04-24 14:09:17

chatsworth osborne jr.
Posts: 738

Re: Music and the Occult


#61 2015-04-24 14:30:55

Posts: 7661

Re: Music and the Occult

I definitely agree with the subterfuge statement..hence my point before.. you dont get to rule the world by being a nice have to be clever enough to have people accept their fates ie. Engineering consent which was what Edward Bernays came up with.. the secret to control is to make yourself out to be the good guy..the saviour of your people..and   just to not let the mask slip.

Last edited by Bop (2015-04-24 14:34:47)


#62 2015-04-24 14:38:26

Posts: 429

Re: Music and the Occult

Last edited by Harry08 (2015-04-24 15:08:47)


#63 2015-04-24 21:20:30

From: Gilligan's Island
Posts: 12991

Re: Music and the Occult

"bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay"


#64 2015-04-24 21:36:02

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: Music and the Occult

I don't bother with conspiracy theories these days because l am sick of all these truth movement people talking about stuff they can't prove or have no spiritual experience with.

I talk about fake government, satanic religions and human slavery of the human racxe etc because I have studied laws and done Freeman activities and gone deep into it, and l can bring up reptiles and aliens because l have seen many of them. But when it comes to false moon landings etc l can't make any comment because l can't prove it either way and have nothing solid to go on. I can only go on what l know, and l am certainly not going to repeat what other conspiracy theory people say if l have no experience in that area.

I am surpised some people take this thread so seriously. I feel tempted to bring this thread up another notch and really let the fireworks go off, but humans are sentitive creatures that prefer illusions, so we can't push brains too hard with things that sound too far out.

I have heard all the conspiracy theories.


#65 2015-04-24 23:16:21

From: Gilligan's Island
Posts: 12991

Re: Music and the Occult

"bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay"


#66 2015-04-24 23:32:48

Posts: 7661

Re: Music and the Occult

Church of Satan...?

I mean durr


#67 2015-04-24 23:51:51

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: Music and the Occult

The conspiracy theorists are very useful idiots indeed.

I consider the Tarot as a useful tool to connect with your subconscious. Jung himself was no stranger to the deck.

As for supernatural dieties - we are currently experiencing some turbulence, approaching a low grade civil war which continues to clarify and intensify here in Europe. Primarily, the individuals who wish to smite off our heads are motivated by a vengeful supreme being who can only be satisfied by killing and the spilling of blood of non-believers. For those victims of this, I wager the power of this god is as real as any physical presence.

We must counteract this with force, but ultimately we must use the psychic arts as well. Same as Churchill did in WII, with the V-sign to counteract the solar-flares of the Nazi swastika. We have to accept we are dealing with the supernatural and we have to kill the beast at this level too.

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#68 2015-04-24 23:56:06

Posts: 7661

Re: Music and the Occult

Hep you've just managed to undermine your convictions a lot better than I ever could.

Religion is an excuse by humans to do inhumane things. People like you would be raving Jihadists if you were on the otherside because you put theology and ideology over other peoples lives.

Extremist Islam/IS/etc is clearly a US set up to undermine the areas they have of interest.. sat on the oil fields, on Russia's doorstep...theyve used secularism to keep those areas divided...IS is comprised by hired goons who are payed to play especially in the areas immediately south of Russia, thats documented in news sources, but they also need complete bat shit crazy loons that have swallowed the religious propoganda in order to lay their lives down for a cause and perpetuate the instability. There are enough records of high standing extremists having close relationships with US intelligence agency...I wonder why that is? Because im pretty sure the set up follows a pyramid of direction that means the US direct the leaders of the extremist groups that then in turn have everyone beneath them carry out orders believing they're doing it for religious convictions or for actual pay. Why do you think they want Julian Assanges guts for garters? All this type of stuff has been exposed on wikileaks

We should be worrying a Putin because he's not being controlled by us...IS are they bogeymen our govermnets ise as a smoke screen to get into areas that we otherwise couldnt get into..dont worry about a load of patsy religious idiots, they're not going to drop the bomb on us.

Last edited by Bop (2015-04-25 00:11:48)


#69 2015-04-25 00:11:41

Ethan Allenbach
Posts: 68

Re: Music and the Occult


#70 2015-04-25 00:14:30

Posts: 7661

Re: Music and the Occult

We gave them arms and military support...! In Lybia, in Syria..etc

Are you really that fucking dumb? Open your eyes..its only your conviction that our government wouldnt do it that stops you from seeing the blatantly obvious which further more is reported by news outlets..but we ignore it?


#71 2015-04-25 00:19:33

Ethan Allenbach
Posts: 68

Re: Music and the Occult


#72 2015-04-25 00:27:56

Posts: 7661

Re: Music and the Occult


#73 2015-04-25 00:28:33

Ethan Allenbach
Posts: 68

Re: Music and the Occult


#74 2015-04-25 00:32:00

Posts: 7661

Re: Music and the Occult

Like I said Putin is the end game...we want the strongest players in the middle east on our side...

Trying to sort out the nuclear issue with Iran is the next big thing..Russia is acutely aware of what the US are trying to do there.

So if you guys want to carry om.observing all the distractions whilst the slight of hand is pulled on us..carry on..

Arguably its all worth it to destabilise Putin and Russia who is the biggest threat to world peace...but then arguably he is reacting to the US move to neutralise him


#75 2015-04-25 00:34:15

Posts: 7661

Re: Music and the Occult


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