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#151 2015-09-20 07:34:36

chuck power
From: Looking for Lewis and Clark
Posts: 805

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

But before that happens, he'll probably quit anyway - having realised the futility of trying to make the world a better place. I expect he'll go and learn to do 'code' in the oil industry whilst moonlighting as a brickie - he'll then use all the dosh he makes to buy houses for all those feckless wankers who can't be arsed to pull themselves by their bootstraps. I can just hear them  complaining now .....  "I went for a dump 3 weeks ago and the council haven't been round to flush the toilet yet". Fucking bolsheviks to a man .... don't deserve any better , wasn't like this in my day blah blah, blah etc.

Have taken the advice from the erudite forum members and I'm now doing an online course on how to think like a selfish, smug 50 something who reads the daily mail.

Who do you see? Who do you watch? Whose your leader? Which is your flock?


#152 2015-09-20 07:49:36

From: Hauteur Extraordinaire
Posts: 1039

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

"Dressing, like painting, should have a residual stability, plus punctuation and surprise." - Richard Merkin

Souvent me Souvient


#153 2015-09-20 07:54:12

Sammy Ambrose
Posts: 3647

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

If you aren't seeing through all three eyes at once day and night you are up shit creek without a paddle. The Shooman


#154 2015-09-20 07:58:25

Sammy Ambrose
Posts: 3647

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

If you aren't seeing through all three eyes at once day and night you are up shit creek without a paddle. The Shooman


#155 2015-09-20 08:33:42

From: Hauteur Extraordinaire
Posts: 1039

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

"Dressing, like painting, should have a residual stability, plus punctuation and surprise." - Richard Merkin

Souvent me Souvient


#156 2015-09-20 08:55:34

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#157 2015-09-20 08:58:49

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#158 2015-09-20 09:05:34

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#159 2015-09-20 09:11:30

Posts: 4131

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

"Florid, smug, middle-aged golf club bore in this country I'd say. Propping up the 19th hole in deepest Surrey bemoaning the perils of immigration."


#160 2015-09-20 09:38:48

From: Hauteur Extraordinaire
Posts: 1039

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

"Dressing, like painting, should have a residual stability, plus punctuation and surprise." - Richard Merkin

Souvent me Souvient


#161 2015-09-20 13:08:36

Goodyear welt
Ivyist At Large
Posts: 3089

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

Too much like hard work Formby, people would rather do unskilled poorly paid work. And moan about it. Let alone have to study a subject at school to have to be able do the work...let alone take an aptitude test and finish the foundation course for any build trade course which is called; Getting Over your Self Pitty and Becoming A Greedy Self Centered Bastard of A Sell Out. 

This thread is starting to make me think there must be something really fabulous about me. That only a certain breed of super human can become a plumber, fuck it, I'm asking for a pay rise in the morning.

Rocking traditional, current and classic Italian Ivy since 2011.


#162 2015-09-20 13:32:06

From: UK
Posts: 63

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

This thread, and sorry for starting it, had made me rather irritated.

Right.  Corbyn is clearly a scruffy bastard from the rather grubby looking beard to the excessively large shirts and the nasty jackets (like the one with the humongous collar gap worn at PMQs last week).

But there seems to be a predominant opinion amongst posters that they all have worked hard and that seems to give them a right to be damned with their neighbours and take all of their own good fortune as an endorsement of their own excess of talent and, hence, desert.

Now, as an individual in the SE of England who has done well out of life, put two children through private school, and generally not had to worry too much about how the bills are going to be paid, even I can see that there is something going badly wrong with 21sr century capitalism in Europe.  London (and I commute into the City every day) has become a ghastly parody of inequality.  Grim areas (like Whitechapel) on the periphery of central London have a subculture of immigrants and dispossessed, alongside not even built apartments being marketed for sale in China, with 2 bed flats going for over half a million.  Meanwhile, people are being exhorted at the checkouts in Waitrose to put cheap goods into a box to be distributed to foodbanks, which are used by those IN WORK to subsidise companies who don't pay a decent wage.

Now I always considered myself a one nation Tory (of the Ken Clarke ilk) and even I find the political realm in the UK to be utterly squalid.  Politicians bang on about strivers vs skivers, most of whom have never held down a Decent job outside politics and who would be exposed as unemployable in 5 minutes in a rigorous workplace environment.  The media countenances the most feeble level of political debate, whilst itself being shown to be utterly corrupt by Leveson, and all the while the UK becomes a shallower and more vulgar place.

So, all thing being considered (and just look at Greece to see how bad it could get) we have probably got off lightly with JC as our version of the reaction against the excesses of the banking crisis and the degraded public realm.  Just think on that as you bang on about about how those less well off might spur themselves into a more productive life...


#163 2015-09-20 13:42:02

From: Hauteur Extraordinaire
Posts: 1039

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

Another 'CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE' argument.


"Dressing, like painting, should have a residual stability, plus punctuation and surprise." - Richard Merkin

Souvent me Souvient


#164 2015-09-20 13:43:40

Goodyear welt
Ivyist At Large
Posts: 3089

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

Oooh get you...Waitrose...fancy!

You are quite right, Blighty is a disgusting place, a place of greedy fookers and useless fookers. And thats just in the commons. Thats why us super humans moved abroad. However, I feel asking for two pay rises is taking the piss.

Rocking traditional, current and classic Italian Ivy since 2011.


#165 2015-09-20 13:58:29

From: UK
Posts: 63

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread


#166 2015-09-20 14:41:04

Goodyear welt
Ivyist At Large
Posts: 3089

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

We've (Oslo) just had our local's last week as it happens.  Which I get a vote in as a resident (though not in the national). We get two votes, for two councils. I voted Labour because A; they don't have a crank as a leader and B; I'm quite a leftie when it comes to social issues. As someone who's been able to send your children to private schools I can assure you, you be horrified at the estate I grew up on. It wasn't uncommon for people to use their fences for fire wood and it was the first estate in Leicester to have CCTV put on top of the lamp posts and that was a long time before anyone said anything about bent MPs or banks. Though its not great now its still a 1000 times better than it was. I'm well aware of what it is to be poor,  not that I'm rolling in it now. I'm just not for some wanker coming along and taxing me to the max just because I've been socially mobile. Or for that matter some tossbag like Blair or a Tory doing nowt for anyone who doesn't wear the right tie. Which is why I ain't ever coming back to that dog eat dog shithole anyway. We've a minimum wage of £15 ph, which, even allowing for the cost of living here is easy double the UKs in real wealth. And muppets like Bop wanna quote Lefty economies? Get real, Corbyns a car crash waiting to happen.

Rocking traditional, current and classic Italian Ivy since 2011.


#167 2015-09-21 09:59:11

Posts: 4131

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

Meanwhile Gideon has just agreed to pay top dollar to the Chinese for a nuclear facility at Hinkley.

Leaving aside the nuclear issue, it is another example of public wastefulness on a grand scale that will drag on for years.

The media will probably be more interested in the Cameron's "private part" and the dead pig revelation.

"Florid, smug, middle-aged golf club bore in this country I'd say. Propping up the 19th hole in deepest Surrey bemoaning the perils of immigration."


#168 2015-09-21 10:42:49

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#169 2015-09-21 11:02:52

Posts: 4131

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

Last edited by Kingston1an (2015-09-21 11:03:25)

"Florid, smug, middle-aged golf club bore in this country I'd say. Propping up the 19th hole in deepest Surrey bemoaning the perils of immigration."


#170 2015-09-21 11:17:13

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

Your generation did nothing Kingy, don't pretend otherwise, you never fought the battles when they could have been won.

Corbyn is no threat to me, I live on the continent, his election, or threat of his election would be very beneficial to me, for a number of reasons, including professionally. But I don't want to see the land of my birth turned into an open sewer of socialist experiments by old men. Especially one with an "ism" at the end!

I keep on repeating this, perhaps it's falling deaf ears: take one look at the evil fire starter, twisted fire starter he has grandfathered in as shadow education spokesman.

I rest my case!

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#171 2015-09-21 11:28:19

From: Hauteur Extraordinaire
Posts: 1039

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

"Dressing, like painting, should have a residual stability, plus punctuation and surprise." - Richard Merkin

Souvent me Souvient


#172 2015-09-21 11:29:14

Posts: 4131

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

My generation had plenty of opportunity. It was gradually chipped away and people were bought off.

Melodramatic language like "open sewers" and "fire starters" does not boost your case.

Nobody is talking about fighting - apart from one loony general, allegedly, who promises mutiny.

People are choosing to exercise their right to vote. It is as simple as that.

"Florid, smug, middle-aged golf club bore in this country I'd say. Propping up the 19th hole in deepest Surrey bemoaning the perils of immigration."


#173 2015-09-21 11:56:03

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#174 2015-09-21 12:10:23

Posts: 4131

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

We could have Straw and Rifkind instead. Two pillars of The Establishment. One red , one blue.  Both extremely "biddable".

Both exonerated by the "standards commissioner".  The Establishment looks after its own.

So I am not going to be surprised about some low-level, shadow education secretary either. Or the bloke who liked a punch up in the Commons bar etc, etc....

"Florid, smug, middle-aged golf club bore in this country I'd say. Propping up the 19th hole in deepest Surrey bemoaning the perils of immigration."


#175 2015-09-21 12:22:19

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: The Jeremy Corbyn sartorial thread

It's not like it use to be.....

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


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