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#76 2015-11-03 11:24:42

Thee Captain
From: The galaxy MACS0647-JD
Posts: 6972

Re: Changing of the Seasons

Last edited by Thee Captain (2015-11-03 11:25:23)

He came he saw he gave the WANKER SIGN! Moved on from Talk Bollocks now as it's well shite innit and y'all look MINGIN'..
I Lunge Therefore I Am #theecaptainofsuave


#77 2015-11-03 13:00:20

From: Gilligan's Island
Posts: 12991

Re: Changing of the Seasons

"bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay"


#78 2015-11-09 16:03:18

Posts: 7661

Re: Changing of the Seasons


#79 2015-11-09 16:52:37

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Changing of the Seasons

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#80 2015-11-10 03:52:43

Thee Captain
From: The galaxy MACS0647-JD
Posts: 6972

Re: Changing of the Seasons

He came he saw he gave the WANKER SIGN! Moved on from Talk Bollocks now as it's well shite innit and y'all look MINGIN'..
I Lunge Therefore I Am #theecaptainofsuave


#81 2015-11-10 04:08:51

Devil's Ivy Advocate
From: The Lost County of Middlesex
Posts: 7959

Re: Changing of the Seasons

'I'm not that keen on the Average Look .......ever'. 
John Simons

Achievements: banned from the Ivy Style FB Group


#82 2015-11-10 04:28:53

Posts: 3262

Re: Changing of the Seasons

Yesterday was a Pendleton Topster over a grey sweat and tee, crazy warm. Might do it again today.


#83 2015-11-10 04:32:12

Thee Captain
From: The galaxy MACS0647-JD
Posts: 6972

Re: Changing of the Seasons

He came he saw he gave the WANKER SIGN! Moved on from Talk Bollocks now as it's well shite innit and y'all look MINGIN'..
I Lunge Therefore I Am #theecaptainofsuave


#84 2015-11-10 05:13:45

Posts: 7661

Re: Changing of the Seasons


#85 2015-11-10 05:28:34

Thee Captain
From: The galaxy MACS0647-JD
Posts: 6972

Re: Changing of the Seasons

It's a mare innit... I do an awful lot of bombing around town by legpower and I've been getting home a right sweaty mess....
.. think I had heat exhaustion over the weekend you know...

Is there a Doctor on the List btw?

He came he saw he gave the WANKER SIGN! Moved on from Talk Bollocks now as it's well shite innit and y'all look MINGIN'..
I Lunge Therefore I Am #theecaptainofsuave


#86 2015-11-10 05:33:01

Meehawl MacMurrachu
Posts: 381

Re: Changing of the Seasons

Yeah that's an interesting topic in itself - Clothes and mode of transport
That's another reason why I get more keydge use around town than old tweed - I find them a bit more breathable and bit easier to whip off and sling under the arm
I tend to walk maybe 2 or 3 miles every time I'm in town
I find I lather up in a big old tweed which ruins the effect a bit
Perhaps I need a driver
or maybe an Oyster card as a starter


#87 2015-11-10 05:34:14

Meehawl MacMurrachu
Posts: 381

Re: Changing of the Seasons

The Americans are looking at this topic and saying - "walk ?  - you guys are so British" - we just walk to the car - a tweed is fine for that


#88 2015-11-10 05:38:18

Posts: 7661

Re: Changing of the Seasons

I prefer to sweat heavily..and a shop lifter.


#89 2015-11-10 05:51:33

Posts: 7661

Re: Changing of the Seasons

You get much better service


#90 2015-11-10 05:52:33

Thee Captain
From: The galaxy MACS0647-JD
Posts: 6972

Re: Changing of the Seasons

He came he saw he gave the WANKER SIGN! Moved on from Talk Bollocks now as it's well shite innit and y'all look MINGIN'..
I Lunge Therefore I Am #theecaptainofsuave


#91 2015-11-10 05:56:50

Thee Captain
From: The galaxy MACS0647-JD
Posts: 6972

Re: Changing of the Seasons

I love the look on their face when, sweating profusely, you ask if "I can try this on" he he....

In my defence when asked if I'd like to try summat on, I've oft had to say... " just don't wanna go there right now....."

A liquid bald steaming nut (I'm talking head atop thee shoulders here Dear reader.....) can be an exceedingly scary thing for many too I've found over the years...

He came he saw he gave the WANKER SIGN! Moved on from Talk Bollocks now as it's well shite innit and y'all look MINGIN'..
I Lunge Therefore I Am #theecaptainofsuave


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