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#6576 2022-03-26 00:48:49

Posts: 2740

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

McGeorge cashmere shawl collar cardigan.  A steal at just around a thousand-plus pounds, including shipping.  Would go nicely with Alden loafers and original Levis for that insouciant 'down the Dog And Duck' vibe.  Some tosspot lurches forward and spills his sticky lager all over you.

It has a fair number of Watchers, too.


#6577 2022-05-13 03:15:47

Posts: 734

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

On my (almost) daily look at Marrkt I discovered they have a NWT/Deadstock section, today I see a new pair of Sebago Dan Leather loafers, US Size 9.5, burgundy, £80.00, that looks like a bargain to me, also Ebbetts Field deadstock caps £45,


#6578 2022-05-13 03:46:11

Posts: 659

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

I saw those loafers on my daily trawl yesterday Stax. On my phone they looked like they might be two different colourway. Looking on my work monitor this morning, the vamp definitely looks black or very dark brown. Strange mix.

Caps sadly too large for my tiny head. That's the thrill of the chase for you though eh?


#6579 2022-05-13 03:52:18

Posts: 2740

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

Oh, those blasted caps.  Each time I take a walk on the park I observe a veritable ocean of baseball caps, all with adjustable back-straps, generally worn by men exercising some scruffy-arsed mutt.  They (the cap, not the canine) seem to go well with North Face-style jackets (China now?) and no-mark jeans and trainers.
Crossed them - for good and all - off my list.
Time my Madras driving cap got an airing.


#6580 2022-05-13 03:57:55

Posts: 659

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

I too went off them for a long time. Had a nice collection of Blue Marlin 'Negro League' ones that I enjoyed wearing, but decided they were too young for me.

Recently I've come back round to plain navy. Cotton, cord and wool mix.


#6581 2022-05-13 04:04:47

Posts: 2740

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

I almost bought an Ebbets Field on Ebay at the beginning of the year, but the bidding went too high for my liking.  I find Poten interesting if contrived.  There's a nice George Bush item on Ebay which tickles my pro-Republican fancy a little.  But not enough.  Anyway, TRS would stop speaking to me.
(I do have a couple of Trump/Pence campaign mugs.  Watching people's faces when I offer them coffee is not unlike when displaying a fake dog turd on the hearth tiles).


#6582 2022-05-13 04:06:48

Posts: 2740

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

In fact, come to think of it, Spendthrift, hats can be a bugger all round, can't they?


#6583 2022-05-13 06:35:55

Posts: 659

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

Yes they can. I like 'em though.

I pretty much wear one every day. But I like clothes, so something else to think about is always welcome. And they're pretty much an indispensible part of the introvert's basic field outfit.

Usually some sort of newsboy. Linen in summer, wool Herringbone or Donegal when cooler. Watch hat if I'm forced outdoors for long spells on real cold days.

I can't really see myself wearing a flat peaked ball cap. I see them as being a bit Buzz Rickson? I like a curved peak. Low profile. Unstructured and no logo. Bleached to buggery or lost by the end of summer.


#6584 2022-05-13 07:23:35

Posts: 2740

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

I went hat happy around a dozen years ago.  Began with Stetson, moved onto Kangol, Pendleton, something I can't remember the name of but it caused the unwary to go into gales of laughter and small children to quail, a knitted watch cap (US military issue, about the price of a Kit-Kat), Johnny Simons seersucker, the Popeye Doyle hat that was on sale - briefly I should imagine - at Chiltern Street during the summer of 2012.  TRS and I also invested in a Breton beret apiece.  Mine shrunk upon the first attempt to wash and shape (one looked like Benny Hill as Fred Scuttle or something of that kind otherwise) and it was binned. 
Thus I became convinced, after a while, that headgear in general was not for me.  Only the Stetson remains in my possession, fitted by The Guv'Nor at Russell Street back in, oh, circa 2008. 
The Madras driving cap was a rather impulsive buy from an American Ebay seller after a viewing of 'Jazz On A Summer's Day' and gazing upon multiple images of Monk.  A bit off an odd fit, though, and weather conditions have not yet been perfect enough to take it for walkies.
My wife, I think, dislikes it.
I would never wear a baker boy cap.


#6585 2022-05-13 07:24:54

Posts: 2740

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

Shrunk?  Shrank.


#6586 2022-05-13 07:33:36

Posts: 734

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

Spendthrift - I took another look at those Sebagos, I think you're correct, they do look like 2 different colour leathers, brown & black, very odd, not really a cap wearer myself but thought it worthwhile ' flagging up' the Ebbs caps, via Marrkt I picked up on a label new to me, Adsum, USA made sportswear , a few decent looking bd's around although the one on Mkt ( NWT's), looks to have a stain on one sleeve....


#6587 2022-05-14 01:15:14

Posts: 2740

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

There's a rather nice Huntington Madras jacket on Ebay at the moment.  With a starting bid price of £150 I suspect it might well go unsold.  My Corbin was £30.
Kid wanting £175 for his Simons/Weller shirt might be going to bed disappointed again.
The same pair of black Florsheim keep reappearing.  Someone could snag a bargain there for under £20 - if they dig plain black shoes.  Might be a nice starting point for someone on Modculture just beginning to come to his senses.
Come on, someone, put some money into the guy's pocket.
Too much Gant on Ebay otherwise.


#6588 2022-05-14 11:53:03

Posts: 665

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

@AFS, is that Weller/Simons shirt still on eBay at that ridiculous price ?


#6589 2022-05-14 12:27:21

Posts: 2740

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

It is.


#6590 2022-05-14 12:32:58

Posts: 665

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

That bloke's deluded


#6591 2022-05-14 12:35:51

Posts: 2740

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

It seems to have been on for weeks, R.  I just can't imagine who he thinks is going to buy it.  Still, he's far from the only seller on Ebay putting forward unrealistic starting bids.
Mind you, an autographed pair of Woof's underpants would set you back a fair whack.


#6592 2022-05-14 13:02:07

Posts: 665

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

Ha ha.


#6593 2022-05-20 03:29:27

Posts: 734

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

Maybe I should start a new thread 'Marrkt Alert', - new today a Norse Projects grey/white seersucker blazer, ( £90),3 button, 3 patch pockets, short(ish) single vent, it looks dartless, size 48,100% cotton, 4 button cuff but hey you can't have everything, a size too small for me otherwise I might have considered it, I'd be interested to know if anyone has bought anything from Marrkt ,


#6594 2022-05-20 03:38:34

Posts: 2185

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

Decent looking jacket Stax. Too small for me unfortunately otherwise I might have considered it as well.
I haven't bought anything from them, as yet.

'I am a closet optimist' Leonard Cohen.


#6595 2022-05-20 06:54:36

Posts: 659

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

That is a nice jacket. My size too.

I'd rather a seersucker jacket went to someone who'd wear it proudly though. Rather than hang around in my wardrobe for perfect occasion that never comes.

It's a good site. Plenty of decent shoes. 'Just in', some nice pebble grain long wings 8.5. Carmina, who I don't know much about.

Marrkt has become somewhere I check every day. Yet to pull the trigger though.


#6596 2022-05-31 11:56:01

Posts: 2740

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

Anyone checked out heavydutyivy?


#6597 2022-05-31 11:57:07

Posts: 2740

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

Surely he must be known!


#6598 2022-06-21 09:36:34

Posts: 2740

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

Sabre cardigan finishing this evening.
Once rather fancied by some of the Ivy London crowd.


#6599 2022-06-21 13:51:00

Posts: 2740

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

The Sabre piece failed to find a buyer.  At £12.  I wonder if this demonstrates a definite falling off of interest in the older names and an increase in newer, possibly flashier ones.


#6600 2022-06-30 13:35:55

Posts: 2740

Re: Ebay / Etsy alert

Quite a nice Southwick jacket.  At least, it would be if some of the sleeve buttons weren't damaged.  Union made.  I think they'll struggle to find a buyer.


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