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#1 2022-06-19 09:15:37

Posts: 2740

Life In The Old Dog Yet...

The announcement of the demise of 'Talk Ivy' turns out to have been a shade premature.  New postings have put fresh heart and spunk into me.  I was overjoyed, whilst sipping my breakfast orange juice, to read a number of interesting posts from our chum Horace; and others have been steadily chipping in. 
But where is our Alvey? 
Nice try, Sammy, but no cigar.


#2 2022-06-19 10:38:58

Posts: 2740

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

Talking of dogs, Skipper has skipped.
Never had much to say, though.


#3 2022-06-19 12:00:14

Sammy Ambrose
Posts: 3647

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

AFS old chap: When you applauded the revival of interest about 25 posts were from you.

Why not stay on here and try DW too. Woof is posting already and I can see him becoming a regular poster there.

Give it a go. What have you got to lose?

Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2022-06-19 12:00:45)

If you aren't seeing through all three eyes at once day and night you are up shit creek without a paddle. The Shooman


#4 2022-06-19 12:21:45

Posts: 2740

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

Nice to know someone was counting.  Of course, in the Good Old Days, Jimmy would manage about 125 posts.  On a daily basis.
No great harm done.


#5 2022-06-19 12:40:21

Posts: 2740

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

Manic?  Come on, chaps.  I'm the most relaxed (Smoking) cat there is.  JFM groomed me.  DW, on the other hand, is often overdone, overwrought and plainly not terribly interesting.
I stick by FNB.


#6 2022-06-20 00:40:17

Posts: 2740

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

I suspect that, like a good many overgrown schoolboys with major ego problems, the DW commissars will, having spat out their dummies, grow jaded and withdraw into their own shadowy world. 
'Talk Ivy' remains in place, for the grown-ups.


#7 2022-06-20 01:49:30

Posts: 599

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

One for Sam :


#8 2022-06-20 03:43:55

Posts: 8544

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

Haven't heard that since the early 90s. I couldn't understand what the fuss was about back then. Still can't tbh.

some sort of banal legitimacy


#9 2022-06-20 03:47:41

Posts: 8544

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

Someone on Discogs paid 463.41 Euros for the US 7".

some sort of banal legitimacy


#10 2022-06-20 04:16:27

Posts: 2740

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

Northern soul, was it?  Large amounts of money were being forked out years ago, were they not? 
Same thing happened in the S/H jazz market back in the 50s, or so I've recently read. 
I can remember my Dad eagerly perusing 'Jazz Journal' in the hope of certain items being reissued.


#11 2022-06-20 04:17:49

Posts: 2180

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

What is Woof posting over on DW? When I checked I couldn't find any posts

'I am a closet optimist' Leonard Cohen.


#12 2022-06-20 04:51:38

Posts: 662

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

It's probably a load of BS Robbie.


#13 2022-06-20 06:50:28

Posts: 2740

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

Woof really is barking.


#14 2022-06-20 07:11:01

Posts: 2180

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

Ah! The Barking Pugilist. An avatar with a Saab in the background. I should have guessed. I thought it was some geezer from Barking..

'I am a closet optimist' Leonard Cohen.


#15 2022-06-20 07:34:48

Posts: 2740

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

Not to mention the Jubilee Special underpants flying from the flagpole at Woof Towers...


#16 2022-06-20 09:52:15

Posts: 599

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

There's something about DW - everything looks so tacky over there.

And Yuca - agree about Welcome to Dreamsville which I recall being big in the 100 Club in the 80s - a turgid mechanical tuneless groove, rather appropriate for Sammy's posts over on DW.


#17 2022-06-20 10:00:15

Posts: 2180

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

'There's something about DW - everything looks so tacky over there'

2RS- I thought it was just me that thought that. Why would Woof not see it?

'I am a closet optimist' Leonard Cohen.


#18 2022-06-20 10:17:19

Posts: 2180

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

One good thing about DW is the discovery of scam sites that have used previous posters on here. Woof, WM and Oliver's photos all used in attempts to scam people.

Last edited by RobbieB (2022-06-20 10:18:20)

'I am a closet optimist' Leonard Cohen.


#19 2022-06-20 11:42:55

Posts: 599

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

Robbie - can you elaborate? In what way has a picture of Woof been used to scam people? Has he been out doggin' again in his Saab?


#20 2022-06-20 11:44:56

Posts: 2740

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

^ LOL!


#21 2022-06-20 12:11:53

Posts: 2180

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

Apparently scamming sites have used photos of our TI chums to try and sell non existent clothing items. The photo of Woof is not flattering. It could all be made up. Who knows?

'I am a closet optimist' Leonard Cohen.


#22 2022-06-20 13:51:56

Posts: 2740

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

Is that elderly-looking, woebegone gentleman truly Barking Woof-Woof?  He looks not unlike a down-at-heel clergyman I once knew.


#23 2022-06-21 13:47:20

Posts: 2740

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

Who is trying to sell Woof (pardon me, Barfing Pug) at a knock-down price?


#24 2022-06-21 14:50:19

Posts: 2740

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...

I've just been reading, for the first time, the definition of an 'i-gent'.  Most amusing.  Apparently they take lots of photos of themselves wearing deerstalker hats and monocles, smoking (or pretending to smoke) curly pipes, patting the heads of sad-eyed dogs etc.  Ladies perhaps play a minor role in their existence.
This rules me out.  There used to be a sole male rodent in the household.  Even he has now departed (RIP) so the distaff side rules the roost.


#25 2022-06-21 21:25:18

Sammy Ambrose
Posts: 3647

Re: Life In The Old Dog Yet...


I reckon you must have been reading the 2009 and 2010 Wardrobe posts I unearthed.

The best definition for me is FXH 's . You know you Are an iGent when you don't buy anything you pull the trigger.

Once again AFS, come over to DW. You can also post on here. It can't hurt.

If you aren't seeing through all three eyes at once day and night you are up shit creek without a paddle. The Shooman


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