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#1 2023-01-04 12:24:33

Bright Light
Posts: 1327

In praise of the Southwick natural shoulder

Many years ago I picked up a wonderful brown herringbone tweed Southwick jacket. Must be pre-62/3 and it's a little longer in the body than the 60s era jackets I have. Although I usually found sack jackets on the cheap, I spent £100+ on this.

It is absolutely beautifully made, remarkable quality, great cloth and a joy to wear.

But what strikes me most is just how natural the shoulders are. Ever so slightly wider than equivalent jackets and, with very light padding and material in the sleevehead it has a truly beautiful shoulder.

Compared to the other 'big names' in ivy history, I'm now convinced the old vintage examples are really the best.

As long discussed on here, the least amount of padding does not itself lead to the most natural shoulder. For me this jacket is proof of how good the ivy look can be at its best.

Anyone else, or is it just me?


#2 2023-01-04 20:55:39

A pretty face
Posts: 13180

Re: In praise of the Southwick natural shoulder

ex forum member fxh gave me an ivy natural shoulder 2/3 roll dark green tweed coat. It was amazingly complementary to my appearance. It was then that l understood how great Ivy looks can be. I wore it with a button down shirt from Brooks Bros. I loved the combo, just amazing. A bloke also gave me a pair of Bass weegans brand new.

I am having a tweed coat made. Going natural shoulder with that one too.


#3 2023-01-05 03:41:45

Posts: 304

Re: In praise of the Southwick natural shoulder

Simply omitting all padding in the shoulder area is fine with an unstructured lightweight jacket but doesn’t produce the smooth line we look for in more tailored garments like sports or suit jackets. Unpadded cloth follows the irregularities of muscle and bone in the human shoulder and some small padding or canvassing is needed to smooth these out. Done well the result is a work of art and makes for a look and feel that is a world away from the military style built up and squared off shoulders of an English jacket. These differences would not be noticeable to the average person, but to the obsessive it stands out a mile.  Still, the perfect natural shoulder seems to be an elusive quest for clothing makers.

I’ve never owned a Southwick jacket so I can’t comment about them, but photos of them always look good. . Does anyone make a good natural shoulder now? The Italians maybe, again I can’t really comment about that either. Personally I think that Brooks jackets from the golden age epitomise the natural shoulder look, Brook’s consistency in getting it right seemed to set them aside from the others, but I stopped taking any notice of what they’re doing currently some time ago. Press have got it right spectacularly at times over the years and at other times much less so, the shoulders in their jackets went downhill once most of their manufacturing went to Canada, they’re always somehow a bit off.


#4 2023-01-05 04:04:30

Posts: 304

Re: In praise of the Southwick natural shoulder

Further to my comment about Brooks Brothers. They now offer only one jacket with a 3/2 roll cut and a centre rear vent, an item which they describe as The Archive Blazer. At $528 it would be a reasonable buy, if you happened to be in the USA and didn’t have to pay shipping and import on top.


#5 2023-01-11 07:02:45

Posts: 812

Re: In praise of the Southwick natural shoulder

I have Southwick jacket bought from Chiltern Street about 5 years ago. It's their Cambridge model that has virtually no shoulder to it what so ever.

It is probably my favourite jacket as it contains all the Ivy correct details but is much more refined than a Keydge.


#6 2023-01-12 13:24:44

Bright Light
Posts: 1327

Re: In praise of the Southwick natural shoulder

Changed my mind, my Brooks corduroy jacket has *the* best natural shoulder...

Will definitely keep my eyes peeled for a Southwich cambridge jacket - a quick search suggests no longer available but maybe eBay might turn up something down the line

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