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#1 2023-02-28 06:12:52

Posts: 3243

Brooks Brothers Japan

Anyone seen the 6 button Makers shirts they are selling?

They look to be offering a white OCBD, as well as 2 indigo options, one is a darker chambray colour.

Probably darn tricky to get over here and after all the faff, Jake's probably works out at around the same price if you can get one posted.


#2 2023-02-28 08:49:30

Posts: 289

Re: Brooks Brothers Japan

I have seen them, I must say, they do look really nice. I’ve seen elsewhere that both Chambrays are in fact indigo died also, which is interesting in & of itself (at least to Me!) -
At 24000 yen a pop, they’re about 145 GBP at the moment, before they’re shipped and any import costs have been taken into account, making a Jakes a significantly more viable option Id have thought.

I always feel envious of our Japanese and Asian brethren though, there is some seriously lovely and very well made clobber available there, the like of which we really don’t see this side of the pond.


#3 2023-02-28 10:56:06

Posts: 3243

Re: Brooks Brothers Japan

Exactly, my point, they are lush, if you happen to be out there - otherwise you're taking a punt.

Yahoo auctions have some amazing bits and it's tricky to navigate. Just finishing Alice in Bordertown and all I could think of was, wow, all that amazing vintage and Japanese made stuff would be free! haha


#4 2023-02-28 12:36:07

Posts: 289

Re: Brooks Brothers Japan

I’ve used proxies in the past quite successfully for buying stuff from Japan, including a couple of Two-Moon ringspun sweats not that long ago, so it’s not beyond the wit of man to get stuff over but for something like those brooks shirts, you’d want to be damn sure they fit and that they were worth the added premium before you bought them. Another shop I follow had the most amazing looking six button brooks rip-offs, I think made in India but with all the correct details like single needle stitching, placket the right length, locker loop etc etc - even the label was of the brooks makers style. Still toying with buying one of those but it’ll be a hundred euros shipped.


#5 2023-03-01 00:58:56

Posts: 3243

Re: Brooks Brothers Japan

Likewise, and have picked up gems like HIS buckle back Ivy-Alls and alpaca bell sleeve cardigans.

But like you say ensuring the fit is right there s the biggest challenge on a shirt, I love the quality of the GN Kamakura but the original cuts were chaotic, not sure if the collar sized options have fixed this. Anyway, time I gave Jake another purchase as he only lives round the corner.


#6 2023-03-01 10:07:36

Posts: 812

Re: Brooks Brothers Japan

I have only one experience of Brooks Japan stuff.

A few years back they did an Ivy capsule collection. I think it might have been called something like Own Label or Own Make.

Stunning shirt. Great check material and really interesting placket that scooped. Purchased from Bicester Village of all places.

Crazy long arms and tight chest. Had to go back.

Last edited by AlveySinger (2023-03-01 10:08:10)


#7 2023-03-08 18:25:44

Posts: 196

Re: Brooks Brothers Japan

What are BB waiting for to roll out globally, the second coming of Ivy?

I'm still amazed at how the Italians screwed the brand up completely.


#8 2023-03-09 01:48:06

Posts: 599

Re: Brooks Brothers Japan

I wouldn't blame the Italians for what happened to Brooks Brothers. By the time of my first trip to New York in 1995 I was shocked by the misery of 346 Madison Avenue - even then 80% of the stock was non-USA manufacturing, the classic shirt was low-priority and in 4 colours only, and there were virtually no punters in this vast store. My impression is that the Italians attempted to refocus the quality and design, but were incapable of responding to the enormous shifts that had taken place primarily in American taste, class structure and shopping habits. Brooks was all about high quality, low key, solid basics which lasted for years and were replaced every 5-10 years or so. That way of living, dressing and shopping has largely disappeared. The gap has been filled by a more expensive, luxury, boutique experience in stores like Drakes. We only have J.Press thanks to the blessed Japanese. Don't look to America for The Ivy Look.


#9 2023-03-10 20:39:43

Posts: 196

Re: Brooks Brothers Japan

The Italians did a good job initially taking the brand to the Venice Outlet Village and one of the Milan airports. I forget which one now. But in an ever increasing niche, the attempted democratization of several different fits in one size seemed overkill to me.

Agree the demographic or fashion change shouldn't be over looked either. Massive baby-boomer entering retirement in a short period. Style and tastes have changed. The buzz about Ivy in the early 2010's has gone. We're back into a white sneakers and a street wear world. But where we always here?

My first trip to Washington DC was about five years ago now and made a beeline to BB store. Wow, what a major let down.

Many stores are geared to online shopping now. Levi's for example. Here the stores carry limited sizing and those in the stores have no idea about the Vintage range. The same can be said for many other brands. The physical store in key locations seems to be a cost for doing business. But not really where the action is.


#10 2023-03-11 01:23:21

Posts: 304

Re: Brooks Brothers Japan

A couple of good points Doulouz.

It’s very hard to guess which way anything is going to go at the moment, but the push towards shopping online continues to gather pace, along with accessing services online and self service in stores. My wife wears a brand called All Saints which she buys almost exclusively online because it is easier to return it when she changes her mind, which she does 80% of the time. New items are often added to their line which are only available online, visit to their stores are purely for browsing, trying stuff on and buying the odd discounted item.

I visited Buffalo, NY State, seven years ago which provided me with a disturbing glimpse of the future. Once one of the greatest cities in the USA, apart from the odd landmark building and the old docks it was barely possible to discern where the commercial centre once had been. The main shopping streets largely abandoned apart from convenience stores and coffee places, shops replaced by student accommodation and quite a few empty lots where unsafe buildings had been demolished to leave weeds growing up. This main street shopping activity was originally displaced to out of town shopping centres, but even they are going too. The other day I came across a website featuring the interiors of empty US shopping malls which sprang up everywhere in the 70s and 80s.

It’s coming our way. Driving in towns in the UK has turned into dodging the parcel vans and the scooter guys delivering hot food and even coffee to people’s houses.

Personal assisted shopping is  the preserve of well heeled customers frequenting niche stores in upmarket enclaves like Chiltern Street.

Last edited by FlatSixC (2023-03-11 01:26:06)


#11 2023-03-11 06:53:01

Posts: 4131

Re: Brooks Brothers Japan

I don't understand the food delivery boom. How lazy do you have to be if you cannot walk to McDonalds or KFC?

There are scooters outside every two bob store now.

I always resented these places since the mid 1970s because of the litter they generate. Chippies were never ever as bad.

Eating as novelty entertainment is a mixed blessing too.

I will plead guilty to having the McDs vouchers from The Metro in my wallet in case of post pub munchies. Mostly they expire and a simple cheeseburger consumed on the premises does the trick.

"Florid, smug, middle-aged golf club bore in this country I'd say. Propping up the 19th hole in deepest Surrey bemoaning the perils of immigration."


#12 2023-03-13 20:07:10

Posts: 196

Re: Brooks Brothers Japan

''It’s very hard to guess which way anything is going to go at the moment....''

This is a time of rapid social change, accelerated by the lock down years. And we're definitely not in Kansas anymore. Good and bad. Online shopping is great. It's so easy now to sample stuff and send it back for free if you don't like it. The stench of marijuana in our cities now isn't my cup of tea. I was surpised to find Liverpool the same Amsterdam. You can't move without smelling it. We've got rid of tobacco only to be replaced by something we're told is really healthy. Yeah, right.

''I don't understand the food delivery boom....''

I love it. When it's my turn to cook, as I don't, I order in. So easy and good grub. My family all seem to like it. The McDonalds near here needs to be viewed on a Sunday morning,   an army of workers cleaning up the litter that is strewn a 100m in every direction. My kids tell me Five Guys is the best for burgers now. Never had one from there.


#13 2023-03-14 05:14:47

Posts: 812

Re: Brooks Brothers Japan

Bicester Village had for number of years a BB outlet. It was good for knitwear and shirts. Although a pretty small store they carried a wide range of merchandise that changed each season.

A few years before going out of business they moved their outlet store to a smaller unit and completely changed the profile of the stock. Fewer items and much more fashion forward. Trimmer fits and loud checks. The prices significantly increased also. The store was located a few doors down from Zegna so a direct comparison was easily made.

The problem was Zegna although expensive was far superior. Any one with even a passing interest in clothes could immediately see the difference - better fabrics and construction.

To top it off Brooks invested in new signage that proudly proclaimed - THE ORIGINAL AMERICAN BRAND.


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