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#26 2006-05-13 08:49:50

Marc Grayson
Posts: 8860

Re: A Brand New Trad !

"‘The sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inner tranquility which even religion is powerless to bestow." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not."  Oscar Wilde


#27 2006-05-13 08:54:29

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: A Brand New Trad !

Last edited by Miles Away (2006-05-13 08:59:04)

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#28 2006-05-13 09:14:38

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: A Brand New Trad !

And how 'intrepid' is such a man?
Bless him.

And why the 'Gay' fury?

It was all so random - I could have posted on anything I think... racism, women-hating, anti-semitism... anything...

Such thin skins...



Last edited by Miles Away (2006-05-13 09:16:50)

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#29 2006-05-13 09:28:45

Hartmut vR
Posts: 70

Re: A Brand New Trad !


#30 2006-05-13 09:41:25

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: A Brand New Trad !

Valid point,  Harmut -
'Russell' was a 'troll', I wanted to shake things up with his input.
And to 'rouse the rabble'?  CERTAINLY!
And who would take on such a role but an egotist?
I am however, not really 'Russell Street' - He was an invention, and if I am an egotist sometimes I am quite a humble one who also laughs at himself rather a lot.
Not perfect, but I get by.


" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#31 2006-05-13 15:10:22

Posts: 1330

Re: A Brand New Trad !

Last edited by Vaclav (2006-05-13 15:14:14)


#32 2006-05-14 00:09:22

Posts: 2310

Re: A Brand New Trad !

Jukebox Babe


#33 2006-05-14 10:54:27

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: A Brand New Trad !

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#34 2006-05-14 11:08:20

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9345

Re: A Brand New Trad !


#35 2006-05-14 11:57:10

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: A Brand New Trad !

That's probably a timely reminder for me to move on.  ;-)
On with the Trad reformation!


" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#36 2006-05-14 13:05:05

Hartmut vR
Posts: 70

Re: A Brand New Trad !

This must be one of most ridiculous message thread I have read.  If "Miles Away" is a representative for a New Trad, why would a person wish to be part of this?


#37 2006-05-14 18:40:18

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9345

Re: A Brand New Trad !


#38 2006-05-14 18:59:51

Marc Grayson
Posts: 8860

Re: A Brand New Trad !

Last edited by Marc Grayson (2006-05-14 21:20:13)

"‘The sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inner tranquility which even religion is powerless to bestow." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not."  Oscar Wilde


#39 2006-05-15 01:15:11

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: A Brand New Trad !

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#40 2006-05-15 08:46:28

Get Smart
Posts: 1106

Re: A Brand New Trad !

Actually, I dont see Miles as the "new trad", his definition is closer to the authentic late 50s ivy/trad than most other interpretations we see of it.  The "new trad" is getting inspired by images from the new Ralph Lauren/J Crew (insert any other such 'trad' brand) catalog rather than images of actual ivy style from its heyday.  When "trad" became a buzzword on the various forae, I knew what they meant and where it was coming from, but it wasn't the ivy style that I was familiar with.   Nice to see that it's finally getting its due recognition here.

*I can empathize with Miles' reaction since if one believes in an aesthetic strongly, whether visual/musical/whatever, then it's up to the participants of said aesthetic to "police" itself and point out/weed out incongruous deviances otherwise it just loses its original panache and becomes a stale caricature of what it used to be.

Last edited by Get Smart (2006-05-15 08:50:29)


#41 2006-05-15 09:10:19

Posts: 6433

Re: A Brand New Trad !

If Miles is interested in Gay Trad (and I hate to start a thread on it -- not because I have anything against homosexuals but because that
thread on AAAC got outta hand, in my opinion), I would suggest an old book from a Bostonian called <<Brahmins and Bullyboys>>.   A photo collection.  Many otherwise stalwart trads at Harvard used to like to cruise the docks.

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#42 2006-05-15 09:52:00

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: A Brand New Trad !

Ahhhhhhhhh - Horace!

One of my 'Russell' trolls was to have been 'From the Docks to the Docs'...
I just had too much respect for the forum concerned to let it loose...

But that's just me - tasteful.


And very good to see 'Get Smart' here! Why is everyone smarter than me?

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#43 2006-05-15 12:54:00

Ivy Original
From: Watford
Posts: 1669

Re: A Brand New Trad !


#44 2006-05-15 16:09:51

Get Smart
Posts: 1106

Re: A Brand New Trad !

Hi Chris, yes matter of fact I post occasionally on modculture.  It's nice to see modernists strive for the authentic ivy look rather than a dated "vintage-austinpowers-swirly-wannabe" look that seems to be prevalent among that scene.

I remember reading from some of the folk on there (modculture) about Brooks Brothers finally opening a flagship store in London and it seemed the general consensus was disappointment.  Having been into a BB throughout the years, it's too bad that they've really gone sour on their products.  I can find similar gear that I like much better at a store like Facconable than BB.  (speaking of Facconable, I don't know if anyone remember some of their adverts from last year showing a well dressed young guy and an equally attractive gal on a vespa....definitely caught my eye with what I gather is a new direction to appeal to a younger minded demographic)


#45 2006-05-16 06:34:02

Posts: 98

Re: A Brand New Trad !

I'm just really confused over this trad/jazz connection.  It may exist in the UK but it sure doesn't exist in the land that invented trad.  The people who invented trad would view jazz muscians as well, you know dear..."not our kind".  To associate jazz with trad is like linking Ziggy Stardust with wearing suits (any here old enough to remember when Bowie changed?


#46 2006-05-16 07:16:34

Ivy Original
From: Watford
Posts: 1669

Re: A Brand New Trad !

Hello Ted,

Perhaps the jazz musicians were wearing the ivy league style to make an ironic statement. More likely they were wearing it because it was the current mainstream style back then. Don't forget we are talking about a long time ago. Here in the UK we stuck with the 1960's ivy league version whereas in the US the syle developed into what is now called trad. I've lifted a piece I wrote in an earlier thread:

In the UK I think Ivy League has always been mainly a London thing. 

In the late 1950's and early 1960's there were one or two West End shops that sold Ivy league stlye clothing. The main customers for this style were the 'Modernists'. The Modernists, who were the forerunners of the mods, followed modern jazz players like Miles Davis, Gerry Mulligan and Chet Baker and wanted to dress in the same manner. One of the best shops was Austin in Shaftesbury Ave near Piccadilly, they stocked Bass, Sero, Hathaway, Arrow, Gant and many more US-made items.

I hope this helps a bit.


#47 2006-05-16 07:18:52

Hartmut vR
Posts: 70

Re: A Brand New Trad !


#48 2006-05-16 07:28:16

Ivy Original
From: Watford
Posts: 1669

Re: A Brand New Trad !

Last edited by Chris_H (2006-05-16 07:38:17)


#49 2006-05-16 09:08:37

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: A Brand New Trad !

Nice photo Chris - Clothes by 'Austin's' of Shaftsbury Avenue (London) unless I miss my guess.  Clapton was a great customer of the shop and introduced many others to it. But you know that already!

Most '50's/'60's Jazz musicians I believe wore Ivy just because it was the prevailing mainstream look of the time. Miles Davis was one of the first (maybe) to take to the look with an 'ironic' intent. For most the clothes were just clothes.

Ted's "Not our kind" comment is a good indicator of the difference between the mainstream Ivy style of the '50's and its current niche status aligned with a class signifying element...

I'm wondering when the 'class element' part really kicked in. It must have been when the formerly mainstream Ivy style was so far in decline & unfashionable that only the die-hards were still wearing it.
Certainly Lisa Birnbach's Official Preppy Handbook  of 1981 (Written in 1980) is an excercise in class status symbols.
Nelson W. Aldrich Jr.'s 1979 cover story for 'The Atlantic' - "Preppies:The Last Upper Class?" is, to my mind, when the whole Preppy/Ivy/Trad current mindset became fixed in the common consciousness - you know, the idea that Trad is Posh, end of story.
Aldrich inspired Birnbach, but for the story to get into 'The Atlantic' it must have been kicking around as an idea for a while... maybe since the mid-70's?
So I'm guessing that the current 'clothes of the elite' idea about Trad is something that just naturally evolved in the early to mid 1970's.
'The Elite' I'm sure always wore Ivy clothes right from whenever the start of the current look was (1924?), but certainly post WWII to the late 60's so did a lot of 'ordinary people'.

Maybe all you can really say for sure is that the Ivy look has completed some sort of circle -
It has returned to being the niche look that it was at the start.

Fair enough, but it's good to remember that this was not always the case and that for a good long time in the U.S. the clothes were egalitarian and open to all, signifying nothing much more than good taste.

That's my thinking this afternoon anyway.


" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#50 2006-05-16 09:18:28

Posts: 1330

Re: A Brand New Trad !

Has anyone here, traveled to Hobokon, NJ?

I think this is an administration base, for the Andy trads.

Last edited by Vaclav (2006-05-16 09:19:19)


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