Well if your shoos actually fit you properly, maybe your shoos wouldn't hurt. Don't blame the shell cordovan matey, to do so makes you look very very inane. Now get on your bike pal and go home.
Another one of these guys. Here's one for you Big Tony:
Get on your bike pal and go all the way home.
There can never be enough snark in this thread, the 50% more snark is a minimum, not a limit..
This member touches on a sure fire way to be shown the fucken door at the local dry cleaners:
For the man who has everything, built in spats to avoid the distasteful task of applying them over one's boot:
Last edited by John Rotten (2009-08-28 21:06:03)
Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2009-08-29 19:59:00)
Some girls laughed at me! Boo hoo hoo... I parted my hair (for two years now) and some girls laughed at me! Boo hoo hoo...
What a homo. And this sissy is a moderator.
Didn't that guy win the "Biggest douchebag" tournament over at SF?
That post is a cry for help. And there might of been one poster who actually gave him an honest response. Pretty sad. The guy has to at some point realize that it's not everybody else, it's him.