65 does not go past Teddington come to think of it.
Sacking was political correctness. Cost them lots of money though.
Last edited by Kingstonian (2009-09-01 10:30:56)
Thing is, Benny was no fool. He could have done anything. If they'd asked him to clean it up he could have gone back to his roots and done word play and the more thoughtful stuff that he'd originally made his name with.
The management at Thames threw away a considerable talent with Benny & missed a fantastic gimmick - Benny goes PC!
He could have sent up the whole 'Ben Elton' scene with a few well chosen parodies and won a whole new audience as a zeitgiest comedian who had always (up to that point) tailored his act to the times.
But somehow he got stuck in the 70's.
^ The word play stuff Benny used to do was quality but it would not play to an international audience, so visual gags it was.
They eventually realised what they lost.
Many of the comedians seemed to lack security. Heart attacks got a few before their time.
Lots of the good ones had far more to offer than was apparent from their acts.
There was a lot of dross too, but they tend to be survivors - Little and Large, Cannon & Ball etc.
Bennie never had any delusions of grandeur like Kenneth Williams. He never wanted to play Shakespeare. He seemed happy in his work and they just snatched it away from him.
This snazzy dresser took time out from his deeds at the hooker motel to take a snapshot of his clothes for us.
You can't criticize them on the other sites. It is considered bad form to tell an iGent that he looks bad. He's not exercising his iGentness to be told he looks bad, he wants only praise. And other iGents don't want to see their fellows knocked. So to spare them the criticism, the ego bruising and the heart break of their sartorial psoriasis, their delusional postings are sent to this dark place where others can freely comment on these iGent fantasies and tendencies without being scolded.
More cheapness:
Another inane post by someone who should know better:
Surely he has the ability to make up his own mind? Maybe it's another cry out for attention.
It's not only the posters on this thread who are picking on the iGents nowadays.
Staring, pointing, other public harassment
It's amazing how rude some folks, especially kids around my age, can be to people they don't even know thinking they'll never see you again anyways.
Just today after seeing Astronomy was cancelled, I went to the mess hall here on campus. There were two little girls (or they at least looked and acted like it) who stared at me from across one of the rooms as I ate lunch. I thought this was pretty rude in itself, but I was especially incensed when they cattily picked apart my hair style and the way I dressed in between their stares. (I usually part my hair to one side. I've been doing it for almost two years now and everyone I know is used to it and doesn't give me guff.) They didn't intend it to be loud enough to be heard, but they also didn't realise I have pretty good directional hearing through a crowd. They kept staring. I eventually just locked eyes with one of them, no emotion on my face, to show them how I felt. She looked pretty embarassed and stopped -- after she made some remark to her little friend about how I was staring at her and mocked the look on my face. Well, she needed a taste of her own medicine. I was even considering smiling the next time they looked just to throw them off, but decided I shouldn't.
There was a story shared on the Fedora Lounge about how one of the ladies, who had been on horseback that day, got "Go go Gadget boots!" yelled at her by a couple of kids regarding her tall riding boots.
I also remember years back in high school when I got insults thrown at me by some guys wearing camouflage baseball caps and Guy Harvey t-shirts in the local mall. I was wearing black pants and combat boots. (I wasn't that well-developed sartorially and was in a sort of goth phase.) One of them started goose stepping. I think I might've said something back to them like, "You're a real riot." Humorously enough, the same gaggle of geese came up to the counter of the Italian place I worked at later on while I was working. I asked them what they wanted as if I had never seen them. They got embarassed and walked away, the same one doing the goose step in a last-ditch effort to be "cool."
I don't understand why people need to justify their insecurities by picking on those who do their own thing and are confident in it. I'm not even that different looking from a lot of college students right now. Polo shirt, madras shorts, Top-Siders? Last I checked, all those items are currently "in." Maybe the hair put it over the top for them, I don't know.
Wow. He told them they were a real riot. They must've been floored by that retort. Oh well he's a moderator nowadays so he get his own back in lots of ways.
Ambrose S. Form Four
Is this outfit for a man?
Oh for Pete's sake, stop standing on the toilet and get someone to measure you.
Some Chicago AndyGents wanted to have a little get-together...now Andy has larded the party with 3 AE salesmen and the exquisitely barbered Jovan wants to have moderators there in case anyone tries to slam the product: