Last edited by Marc Grayson (2006-10-08 06:38:18)
Last edited by FilmNoirBuff (2006-10-08 10:34:43)
Last edited by Marc Grayson (2006-10-12 19:07:26)
Just to tack onto this conversation:
Do most of these guys know what they look like? There's nothing wrong with looking your best, in fact I'd recommend it to anyone, but honestly, most of the guys I've seen look like dorks in nice clothes. I'll whole heartedly include myself in this group, but at least I'm knowledgeable about it. I know I'm a bit funny looking and the best I can hope to pull off is well fitting funny looking. That's ok. Some of these guys seem to think that putting on nice clothes makes them some sort of superhero amongst the population. A properly coordinated Brioni tie enables them to scoff at the guy in accounting that wears ties from JC penny. Even if the guy from accounting is significantly better looking, more talented and a harder worker, they seem to think their clothes give them magic powers. It's weird and it feeds upon itself. One guy posts a picture and people tell him how good he looks so the next guy posts and the first guy tells him how good he looks and then the third guy posts and then everybody is giving each other back rubs about how they are now the power elite.
In real life your physique and general good (or not so good) looks tend to overpower anything you put on your body and that fact seems to be forgotten and even attacked the few times I've seen it brought up.
Try hard gentlemen but realize your limitations. Your Brioni may make make you a superhero on the internet but in real life you're still funny looking. (and so am I)
Maybe that's whats so attractive about these places, you can be the best looking guy on the board simply by buying the best looking clothes.
Fascinating topic. I think a bit of good natured self-caricature helps to make discussions more colourful, to the extent that they don't cause harm in ways Mr Grayson and others have listed. There will always be Muppets on message boards, and the best puppeteers are those who truly know how their Muppet thinks, acts, and breathes. I agree with Miles that it is a difficult phenomenon to precisely describe. In one sense most of us have slightly different personas depending on who it is we're dealing with at the for the plumber, one for a homeless person in the street, one for a certain relative, one for a potential romantic partner, &c.
I recently read about a very interesting study done about the different 'voices' people use on the telephone with different people. I think internet 'personas' (or Muppets, in the more pronounced cases) can be more extreme because one begins without any prior history or reputation, and often Muppet-like behaviour is encouraged (both directly and indirectly) by the other Muppets and sycophants. Style and clothing boards are a veritable hothouse environment for these things to grow without pruning. It's rather like a spontaneous vaudeville.
Last edited by Lord Hillyer (2006-10-15 15:15:22)
I have always seen the Internet as modern day Music Hall.
A new turn every five minutes.
Ahhhh - The early days when nobody had quite 'got it' yet!
I think most posters are actually sane... The Interweb is just their chance to bay at the moon.
Yes, the days are gone forever when the Duke of Bedford (13th) openly had an AOL screename. Now everyone is the Duke of Bedford. Ha.
So true FNB.
Very often clothes are the last thing being discused...
But it's the same with most other genres of MBs. As you say it's about control & showing off and the wish to dominate a space and a group of people. I have even seen this on Gardening websites while I was out trolling.
But clothes do attract the best crazies. There is much more spite on the menswear MBs than elsewhere. Very odd.
... And, for some, very funny.