Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2009-09-09 14:05:34)
Can anyone tell me why these iGents don't spend some of their money on either getting plastic surgery (which a lot of them sorely need) and doing some exercise to either develop a body or lose the fatboy rolls? If they did this they could at least use all these washroom- based pictures as before photographs.
And to say that is to trivialise Torture & Genocide.
Your POV is not only 'dopey' but actively evil!
You are clearly a very very very very very very bad man.
Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2009-09-10 08:22:37)
Perhaps we should all design iTombstones for both Sammy ad Silky?
Can we invoke Godwin's Law yet ?
Reductio ad Hitlerum.
All roads lead to the 'showers'.
Sadly, yes, some roads do.
All silly debates always end up with Hitler though.
... So what's the first step to Genocide would you say? Giving somebody a dirty look?
And when should warning bells ring?
If we could plot some sort of progression on The Ambrose Scale starting with not saying please and thank you and ending up with M.A.D. then we would be doing well.
Sammy... Does your 'debating' with me reveal that you are a dangerous maniac?
I only ask because reading back and applying The Ambrose Scale I can now see how you could so easily murder and maim and then rape all the bits left over lying on the floor.
I beg of you - Hand yourself in before it's too late!