You had to mention his name, didn't you. Now his software has picked it up, sounded his alarm, uploaded his smilie file, and he'll be here within minutes to kindly scold us. Thanks a lot.
Last edited by Grossgrain Silk (2009-09-20 13:36:37)
Be happy that you are wanted to play with?
... Maybe?
I personally value Sammy Ambrose, but you have a fan base too.
We'll all be selling T-Shirts online before Christmas...
And me too
Have you clicked on the "Double Tag Girl Stretch Man Sandwitch Lady Kebab" thread yet, Silkie?
It's very popular.
He'll have something to say about something soon, don't worry. You did mention his name...
Just like in "Candyman", if you say his name three times whilst looking in the mirror I believe he can come and drag you down to Andyland.
The Horror, The Horror!
What a lord this man must be. Ordering socks is as inconsequential as popping some herring laden toast into his maw.
A preposterous mischaracterization, Big Tony. Everyone knows the butler's phone is in his pantry. Can't let the lower servants have access to a phone.
Russell, you closet toff!
Style Forum at its Best: But What Does VOX Think?
Guy gets new shoes. Thumbs up, thumbs up, thumbs up, thumbs up, thumbs up...
then VOX weighs in, says they are ugly--an uncharacteristically blunt assessment from the master-- thumbs down, thumbs down, thumbs get the drift.
And speaking of shoes, an Andanian is making the trek to Mecca this weekend:
Last edited by Popeye Doyle (2009-09-22 16:49:00)
Here is a good example of why Style Forum has gone to the dogs:
People trying to be funny. Thing is...they aren't, they just end up looking like dopes.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-09-23 18:03:44)