Pre WWII, Post WWII - I think that attitude is timeless.
I couldn't have got away with a pink shirt at my Prep (and much less my Public) school, but subverting the uniform was a very big part of school life as I recall.
You had to stick to the rules but you had to find every loophole you could to make yourself look different.
An ultra skinny tie knot. Narrower trousers than the rest wore. Black loafers because the rules only mentioned 'Black shoes'. Button-down collars because only 'White shirts' were mentioned.
For a while I wore a school scarf inside out - That was a bit too obvious so I got in trouble for that one. After that I just wore any old dark scarf. Plain Black ones were quite a cult at one time...
The key thing was always to look as though you were joining in, whilst doing just what you wanted at the same time.
And like any other English schoolboys we all wanted to grow up to spy for Russia. Pure 'Another Country' stuff!
School Days:
'Another Country' for attitudes that still held true even by my day.
'The Browning Version' for the other side of the coin, I guess... Never had too much sympathy for the masters I'm afraid...
Best of all:
Don't imagine for one minute that any of this film is fiction.
"Run! Run in the corridors!"
Miles. The boy most likely to.
Last edited by Miles Away (2006-10-26 05:20:26)
I muffed up the first link to 'If' so I've edited. (Do you say 'Muffed Up' in the U.S.?)
I saw one of the Fox brothers (Edward, I think) do The Browning Version on stage in Oxford a couple of years back. Very good too.
You probably know 'If', H.
It speaks to me deeply!
Last edited by Lord Hillyer (2006-10-26 23:15:43)
I like that photo very much.
Last edited by Miles Away (2006-10-29 03:43:21)
Last edited by Percy Trimmer (2006-10-31 14:37:14)