No point in pretending that we can hide from this nasty business.
As men of style we all have to meet Barbers, Bartenders and Waiters... and God knows who else too...
Paying them is not quite enough, though, they should also be tipped too. Well..., fair enough. Why not? I'd want the same too in their position.
Everybody knows that something like 15 or 20 per cent is 'just good manners'. But I like to tip in a random and capricious way based on how much fun I've gotten out of my haircut, drink, or dinner.
Anybody else do this?
It can add quite a bit to your day.
Anyone who frowns when they bring me my second bottle of wine gets a very bad tip.
Anybody who says 'Why not?' with a heart-felt smile when I order my second pudding gets a very good tip.
Any barber who says I'm looking well gets a nice tip.
Any Taxi driver who compliments me on my address gets the same.
I know they may all be faking it & lying to me but I'm happy to pay for that these days.
You can never really put a price on niceness.
How do you tip?
I think that the length of waitress's skirts are allowed into this debate.
I wish tip and tax were included in menu prices in the US but they're almost always not. I believe in tipping hotel people well. I've noticed that porters and skycaps now have instituted fees, whereas before they merely requested a tip. Now you're expected to supply both. Probably due to airline cost-cutting. But I'm all for engaging their services when I can.
My pet hate in New York is the Christmas tip for the building staff. It's fair enough but trying to get guidelines for that one is a nightmare.
And consider this: A waiter brings you a steak for $30 and brings your dining partner a hamburger for $15 (or whatever a burger goes for these days as upscale restaurants). Both are served on the exact same size plates, served by the same waiter who walks the same distance from the Giant vibrator, yet the tip on the steak will be double that of the burger or thereabouts.
Last edited by Marc Grayson (2006-11-01 20:42:17)
My pet peeve is the ubiquitous "Tips Please" cup at the counter of tiny take-out joints and even bagel places. Like I'm going to tip the chick who puts the "everything bagel" into the bag for me. Note to management: Pay your employees a living wage and stop pressuring the customer into tipping!