No, I'm not a star wars geek. But considering the movies provide a convenient split between the two Jedi philosophies, I thought the comparison both apt and modern when applied to the two main schools of dandyism.
It seems there are at least two types of dandy. The Brummelesque dandy and the Wolfian dandy.
The Brummel style dandy is concerned with fit and detail and what makes a man look serious. He is to be admired by his peers and considered an authority. He is not a loner, he is a king amongst his crew and he is a gregarious creature, to be seen at parties and in public. He believes in wearing whatever is appropriate for the occasion and making sure it is the very best in terms of quality, taste and cut within its genre. Others endlessly copy his style in the hopes that they can achieve this elusive normative perfection, learning the many hidden secrets of the seemingly simple, yet surprisingly intricate style. He will share his secrets freely because he knows that the real style resides not in the make of a tie but in the endless hours spent learning to tie it for just the right knot. His power resides in the fact that every man wants to be like him and cannot.
The Wolfian type of dandy is a bit different. His clothes are powerful in a "Look but don’t touch" manner. To be observed but not commented on. Cut and fit are also fastidiously attended upon but for different results. This dandy is not to be admired but wondered at, marveled at. This dandy is a loner, and you are provoked to ask questions but at the same time you are given the impression that you are not allowed to. There is a built in aloofness, a statement of unattainability. He wants to be different and is elegantly so. He will not share the secrets of his wardrobe because his originality is a trade secret. Not that others could easily copy his style but to divulge the empirical of the wardrobe would be looked upon by him as dirty. His power resides in the fact that no one could possibly be like him without being a phony, and he likes it like that.
Which dandy are you?
Oh, and may the style force be with you
Yoda was probably the best dressed Jedi in an elegent old-gent sort of way, whilst Skywalker Junior was the best dressed in a hip way - he really pushed back the envelope in ROTJ with his "new romatic" Jedi look. They really left the dark side for dead.
Tommy Cheese
Hard to please
After I read your essay, I think that I am not a dandy at all.
Yeah, this is really the direction I wanted this to go in. All we need is for Vaclav to do a pile on
This is far smarter than the Muppet show reaction it got when first aired.
I'm a Brummel-esq style Dandy if I'm a Dandy at all.
Big 'IF' I know...
I'll tell you anything and everything I know and endlessly enthuse about what I care about.
I lend clothes to friends and relish the friendship of any and every new convert to my chosen style that I meet.
You know... Ivy for Everyone and all that.
For me the style I love is bigger than I am, unlike the Wolfian Dandy for whom his chosen style is secondary to his own ego.
Just my take.
I'm no king of style, though... I'm an Ivy Cheerleader & I know it. Happy to be hated if you have to, but always much more than happy to met my fellow enthusiasts.
So that's me. Anyone else want to talk style here?
How did you ever find this old thing? Did you type "Nerd" in the search function?
I typed in my own name and this popped up!
Seriously it was a thread with great potential... Even now it may still be a bit too 'out there', but the ideas ARE good.
Too good for the net maybe?
Ya gotta love the net.