It really is time that this myth was laid to rest once and for all.
There are no 'Rules'.
Only restrictions imposed by the dull-headed few on the many.
You only think that there are 'Rules' because you were told that there were
And yet on most of the internet clothing forums 'The Rules' are cherished and clung to...
Because the uninformed and insecure need them.
And they are the ones who try to impose them on others. They literally have no ideas of their own so they latch onto whatever zeitgeist ideas happen to be current about what one should and should not do and comform to them. Worse than that they then seek to spread the word, thinking that they know what's what.
Lumpen dress-up dolls.
Whenever I see a dictate from anyone about what is 'correct' or 'gentlemanly' or 'the proper way' in which a thing should be done then I know I am reading the writings of a bed-wetter who needs to remake the world in his own image so that he doesn't feel left out of life.
So no more 'Rules', please. No more dictates. No more Ten Commandments of being well dressed. All you do in seeking to cast yourself as Moses is to make the rest of the congregation laugh up their sleeve at you. Worse than that the day will come when they will call you out and make fun of you.
Live life.
Don't try to rule the world.
Get yourself an education.
All there is is personal taste.
Is that really so scary?
No group to belong to.
No herd for you to follow for you to win their approval.
Just be yourself and you'll be fine.
Have a little Faith.
Well, allow me to dissent gentlemen, and to say that I'm interested to know what the rules are. Provided they can be established with a modicum of scholarly support. Be it written archives, previous example, the testimony of tradesman, tailors, and others. It interests me to know the tradition. Whether I want to follow that tradition or not (I think I usually do), is another matter. My only quibble is with the occasional chap who advocates a rule without any butress of support. One example of somewhat dubious rules are those that appear to be perpetuated, based on hearsay, by style writers. I'd have no problem with those who plainly state that something is allegedly this way or that because so and so once claimed. And when it's left at that. And before anyone asks, no I'm not pickiing on Mike.
You can tell a lot by the way people break rules or react to rule breakers.
Knowing the rules first IS important, though. I don't entirely disagree with the Gent with the philosophical name.
If anyone ever says to you "You can't do THAT!"
You know that what they really mean is that they would never dare to do whatever it is.
Always useful to know.
Sorts the men from the boys.
There's nothing wrong with knowing the rules. What troubles me is that when one announces one is breaking a rule, a bunch of people immediately assume that since you aren't planning to wear a tie with a dimple then you are obviously planning to wrap a soiled undergarment around your neck. Maybe I just can't be bothered with the dimple? Is that so wrong? Why do people have to make the binary assumption that anything "not quite right" is "out to lunch"?
But happily, the membership of this message board is free of the "jump-to-conclusion-ers".
I can picture Manton coming down from the mountaintop with three stone tablets of clothing rules, and prounouncing...'Fifteen sartorial commandme...', dropping one, 'I mean ten sartorial commandments!'
(Apologies to Mel Brooks)
Know 'em.
Break 'em.
You'll look & feel much better!
... Christmas is coming...