Good morning Gents,
I had experience with an artisan whom I found out had many problems with creditors and whom also told me things I could not rely on. My clothes were never completed on time and I was constantly given tall tales. I switched to another man who is not as gifted but more stable and honest. I am happier about it all.
What role do you think an artisan's character should play in your dealings and what elements do you like to see?
Last edited by Terry Lean (2006-11-03 10:18:59)
Yes, character is important, very important. I only work with people who have excellent character. Most makers seem to exhibit a certain steadiness, I dont think anyone wants too much "flava" in their tailor. Getting something nice made isnt a time when you really want to experience anxiety or stress or conflict.
I had a very talented tailor once who was simply too erratic. Although it could have been worse, Ive seen talentless makers with volatile tempers too.
I had a tailor once who, for whatever reason that I don't care to know, couldn't pay his hotel bill and asked me to pay it for him, which I did.
It's key to find a tailor who is psychologically, and financially stable, who is happy with himself and his customers, and who enjoys his work. Many do not fit this profile, which can lead to bad results. Check out that Esquire magazine profile of a couple New York tailors, which was so depressing, I'd never want to have anything to do with them. You never want to be in the hands of a depressed doctor, dentist, or tailor.
One "bespoke" New York tailor charges $4,500 for his suits and boasts that they are bench-made, but it turns out the "bench" exists somewhere else, not even in New York.
Yet another first tells customers he's a custom tailor from a long line of custom tailors, then lets it slip out he's a "designer" and not a tailor, and farms everything out to a factory.
Probably the worst thing that ive ever experienced is I took a good friend to a tailor, my friend ordered 5 suits. I dropped by to check on my suits a week or so later to see a stack of uncut fabrics. When for conversation's sake I asked him about them, he told me they were my friend's fabrics. But they werent the ones he ordered, they were substitutes!
My friend would never know and most people wouldnt notice but for a person like myself who has fabric books on his coffee tables and in his drawers at work, I noticed. I also called him on it, rather upsettedly. The tailor begged me to not tell my friend but though i wrestled with the ups and downs (for one thing really having spoken for this tailor, I felt it would make me look like a fool) I finally told my friend about it. My friend is something of a Grandee and didnt really care and took the suits anyway but that tailor was history for me. Now I only recommend people I am certain about. People make mistakes of course but that was sleazy. Character is everything.
I hate conflict in any sphere of life, but...
Tailors are not 'Artisans', nor are Barbers, and nor are Chefs.
Certainly some are better than others, but I don't like the word applied to those who aspire to Art even if they fail.
I regard Tailors as co-religionists.
A tailor, no matter how inept, is not an artisan. He is an artist of whatever degree of competence.
Is this thread a test H.B. Mc C.?
You were happier with a lesser tailor just because he fitted in with what you wanted from a tradesman. Is that your point?
Not so keen on clothes, then?
Help me understand.
Please accept my apologies Hermes.
What is M8?
John Wildsmith, erstwhile shoemaker and more recently, shoe hustler, selling Crockett and Jones shoes re-badged with his insignia, claiming they were his own shoes and selling them at usurious prices of more than twice the cost that C&J were selling them at the time. This goes back several years when his prices were a princely $600 to $800 for good but otherwise unremarkable shoes. Fortunately, father time has taken him off the streets or at least put him out of business.
At least one London tailor, likely more, using a local New York alterations tailor during fittings with NYC clients, saving him from shlepping the garments back and forth to and from London.
Last edited by Horace (2006-11-18 02:34:44)