Check out the body language in the second video. To make it worse, he introduces a worker with his arms crossed. Completely cringeworthy.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-12-02 02:05:29)
ls this fellow another bloke from here trying to get the Style forum girls to make fools of themself again?
Those girly-men will never learn.
A perfect topic for S.F wankery, "Who Are the Style Forum Experts"
Experts is pushing too far, no?
It's not often that I disagree with FNB, but...
^ Damn -
I'd hoped you hadn't noticed!
- Have you seen that they've made a statue of us?
To be serious - Your kindness in letting me hitch a lift on your forum really is a measure of just how expansive & generous your nature is.
You put all those pinched, narrow, little iGents to shame.
Best -
Last edited by Russell_Street (2009-12-02 10:07:00)
Greetings fellow bastards. I lurk and do not post but had to present this sad commentary.
Does this then mark end of the line for tweed?
Small time shoomen talk about dress shoos for over 50 pages (i've only read the first 3) and not any of them have a clue what they are talking about. The shoo reality for most people really does depress me, l try not to think about it.
Personally, I find the LL very useful and I'm thankful to Alden for it. If only that, the AA articles are golden. I think it's a labor of love for Alden, whom I suspect doesn't need in any way the money from the LL projects. But whether this is the case or not, who cares? The question should be for each of us, is the LL useful. The motivations of the owner are really not that important are they?