Or the lies of a maker about either another maker or another member?
I really am in a unique position. You see, I grew up loving clothes and not really being able to discuss them with my friends. So as a result, I know a lot of makers in NYC. Many of them know my name, many more just know me by sight. I also know a lot more about the industry. More both than I care to know and much more than I ever reveal. But the question is do I have a duty to report? Do any of us have a duty to report?
I suppose I am also unique in another way. I dont do not want to charge for my knowledge, nor do I want to sell anyone anything. Unfortunately, I also don’t always pander to the “Consider me a great guy" scam. Forgive me, it isn’t that I don’t think many of you would be fascinating to meet; it's just that time is tight and I made a decision not to blur the lines. I don’t expect anyone to be thankful about what I offer but at the same time I am not an expert (nor do I want to be), not a public figure and arguably, as far as the community is concerned, not a real person. In spite of my membership with the unpaid press and my anonymity, I have done my utmost to conduct myself responsibly.
I publish essays on things I enjoy on my own time and money. Maybe it sheds light on a subject, maybe it gets in the way of someone else's agenda. I would think the existence of this forum is proof of that. Again, I do these essays, maybe you enjoy them, maybe you don’t. I have extreme opinions for myself but not for others. But I don’t generally get involved in gossip. I hold my tongue about an awful lot of goings on both first hand and verifiable. And I hear an awful lot of it. But the question is, is my discretion a disservice to you all? If I know something is a bad deal, or a untruth or even a danger, do I have a duty to report it?
Do I for instance need to correct another member's misstatement or produce the other side of the story if I know it? Especially if the other party is unable to defend themselves?
But this extends to everyone; do we as a community have an obligation to correct economical truths or injustices perpetrated on them by makers or even other members of the community?
I have found this to be a vexing moral question of late but rather than take it upon myself to go in a new direction, I wanted some opinions.
Opinions are free and open here. I daresay people have figured out they don’t need to please me. We are not an Eastern despot. You can say whatever you like as long as you are not rude to fellow members. No one has been banned from here yet, as long as it isn’t illegal, I am not afraid of ideas or opinions. I would hope that if nothing else people would extend that I’ve allowed them to feel free and secure here. At most I’ve cleaned up the language or gotten rid of a rude post.
Because there are enough intelligent, independent thinkers, I thought we could discuss this as a group. I haven’t decided for how long Id let this hover here.
I don't know what the stakes are but if you have enough evidence to back you up, correcting false information is perfectly moral and consonant with the FNB forum's philosophy.
Clarification: by FNB forum philosophy I mean freedom of speech.
Last edited by Cruz Diez (2006-11-08 11:29:51)
Count me in.
Lies should be corrected. Bluffs called. And all shades of opinion given.
But it should always be done with good humour and backed up with the reasons why.
I suspect many 'lies' are not deliberate, just the result of misinformation. By not correcting the information the lie can snowball into being regarded as a fact just because so many people believe it.
Sounds like a question for Randy Cohen, the "Ethicist". I tend to agree with the sentiments expressed here, but to play devil's advocate, if this board is a big virtual conversation, doesn't everyone hate that guy at the party who always corrects everyone's statements? He may be right, but he can be no fun to hang out with. I suppose there is a fine line. If someone were to say "Kiton suits are the best in the world" there isn't much point in correcting the statement as it is an opinion. However, if someone were to say "don't buy Kiton suits, they are a ripoff and cause cancer", well that is patently false and in some ways a dangerous thing to toss around.
All that being said, FilmNoirBuff, this is your party and part of the duty of a good host is to set the tone. Maybe "correct" isn't the right concept. Rather. you should provide your informed point of view for the edification of us all.
A duty? I dont know if it is a duty to correct others, but I certainly believe that you are more than entitled to share your knowledge, opinions, and good taste. To paraphrase a certain American jurist, sometimes sunlight is the best disinfectant.
If you see blatant factual lies, then please do correct them. Most of us are on these fora to learn in an honest enivronment first and foremost. For example, at least one maker has been chased off these boards with little regret due to his dishonesty, despite his internet persona's general good will. However, in some situations where a maker is put in less than flattering light due to the testimony of a member of decent standing, attempting to impeach or flat out deny their opinion because your experiences with said maker may have differed would be inappropriate. Please share your own experiences, but some of us might have contradictory, and probably just as valid, ones, too.
Last edited by jeff (2006-11-08 08:29:48)
I see no reason to withhold the lies on behalves of the liars.
If the culprit is who I think he is ("Big spender"), it's for the best. Some of the message board fora habitues are more of a headache than their big 2 or 3 suits, or few shirts, are worth.