They make and carry lovely cloths. I am not responsible for the prices but at least you can't complain that you cannot buy the stuff now!
Have it , have it, have it, need it, need it, have it, have it, need it, have it, need it...
Any specific range preferred for basic suitings?
This is a great service. I wish more merchants set themselves up for such a service but I understand the restrictions distribution networks place upon them. Minnis's Rangoon, Flannel, Frescoes are all excellent, as are prety much all the more casual offerings of Hardy's.
My my my, this link is a wonderful contribution.
I applaud direct access to the woolen mercers: globalization, free trade, and so on. Now, if the prices were a bit less "aggressive" that would be nice. I don't think these prices are "to the trade." They strike me as probably "retail." In this regard, I think several of their competitors are more favorably priced and at least as good in terms of quality. I have no particular affinity to these cloths. The swatch book names are the best part of this House.
I ordered a couple metres of charcoal whipcord for trousers and in the process discovered that I appeared to be the site's sixth customer. If they actually ship orders without being reminded (some other English merchants I've visited apparently never expected anyone to actually buy something from their web stores) it will be a very useful site.
I think Hardy/Minnis is effectively charging a retail price, which should upset distributors (who do not offer any value added). Better if they would just sell to the public at the 'trade' price they sell to distributors. Let the customers who need hand holding by from distributors or tailors (yet another markup). Of course, no one wants to deal with the public, but it strikes me as a bit disingenuos for the woolen mercer to sell to the public at retail prices, as opposed to my buying from their importer (distributor)---something monopolistic about it I don't like. Of course, to paraphrase David Mamet, some people "just like to talk to salesmen." (Glengarry Glenross). Those are the people who really should pay retail.
Last edited by jeff (2006-11-08 17:18:46)
Actually, H Lesser 4 ply lambswool jacketing would be my choice for closers. This is how we keep score, bubee.
The Internet finally unleashes democratization upon the world of English cloth. Actually, I wonder if we should be more discreet with this source so as to avoid another Vass type of situation.
Some of that cord. cloth is off-the-hook. Loving the colors.
TTeplitz: I'm not sure I follow your reasoning why a merchant/maker shouldn't sell to the public at retail, thereby protecting his wholesalers?
Anybody know which Minnis book has a sharkskin / pick-pick? Also, if you have experience with it, how is it.
There's a lot of crap from China pretending to be from Huddersfield circulating, so buyer beware especially when it comes to the neighborhood shlock shops
Last edited by Marc Grayson (2006-11-09 19:39:19)