Good to hear from you, Cap'n. A lengthy discussion of Herr Cruiser couldn't fail to draw you out.
Hope all is well and that you enjoy the holidays.
Thanks for the kind words AQG. All is well. Looking forward to the delivery of a new Tosa puppy immediately after Xmas.
And my very best to you and all of "Buff's Bastards" for the holidays.
I had to google "Tosa" as I've not heard of the breed. They seem to have gathered a bit of controversy about themselves. Care to share your views on it? They look like a very dignified and pleasant breed if raised properly.
Well, I've owned four already, so I can speak from experience. The breed is used for fighting in Japan, and most Tosas are at most a few generations from their fighting roots. Thus, they must be managed carefully around other dogs. Usually they are okay with dogs of the opposite sex, and many are regally disdainful of small dogs. They can be fearsome fighters with other dogs they consider a challenge. Usually only a good, large pit bull can ever be a match for a Tosa.
In all other respects, they are wonderful dogs. They are extremely quiet and tranquil around the house. They are very easily trained and do very well in basic obedience. Some have distinguished themselves in advanced forms of obedience. They are loyal and not given to dominance challenges. They are extremely tolerant of children. They are usually pleasant, if somewhat reserved with strangers.
Like most giant-breed dogs, they are often short-lived, alas. I think they are less prone to health problems than most giant and other breeds although I don't think dogs in general are very healthy animals.
Your assessment of them as a "dignified and pleasant breed if raised properly" is spot on!
Last edited by Moose Maclennan (2009-12-23 02:03:33)
that's not for real - everything for a boot loop
Originally Posted by WatchGuy
The back tab on my tankers broke the second time I wore them. They don't seem to be as good of quality as my other Alden boots. Context has been great in accommodating me (offered to send them to Alden for repair or reimburse me for local repair). But, sending them back to Alden will take about a month and I would rather have Alden to it than anyone local. It sucks because I had to wait over a month to get them in the first place.
answer by amlai:
Recommendation: don't use the tab to pull the boots on. They are not reinforced enough for that. Kind-of disappointing since they are a 'tanker'.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I had a pair of Edward Green Shannon boots that I tore the rear loop on trying to pull on the boots. EG repaired them free of charge (without any visible sign of the repair), but it did cost quite a bit for me to ship them back over to England. As far as I can tell, most boots should not be pulled on using the tabs if the tabs are made of leather. In the case of the EG boots, I swear that the super fine pitch of the stitching essentially perforated the leather and made it easy to tear, much like perforated paper. RM Williams on the other hand, you could probably hang some weights off the pull on loops.
^ They are all 'friendly' dogs until some poor child gets ripped to pieces.
Dog laws in UK still need strengthening.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-12-23 19:00:55)
^ I would also hope so.
Some will always buy what they are sold - And there's no doing anything whith them apart from joining in with their exploitation.
Others have a chance, once they learn to question things.
Last edited by yachtie (2009-12-24 07:48:07)
This reminds me of Magritte's works.
Careful, Yachtie, he may turn at any moment.
Last edited by captainpreppy (2009-12-24 13:28:45)