Not a freebie, the man-whore Andy had to write the post first.
We know exactly what he is now, and we also know the asking price. Despite this cost effectiveness, I still can't place him in my deviant sex life, no matter how much I try.
Someone ought to sock it to Andy, promise him a freebie, if he will endorse rubber gloves and swarfega, or brillo pads on his illustrious website for gimps.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-01-13 21:08:43)
Last edited by Big Tony (2010-01-15 17:29:26)
Greatest Sartorial Loss?
What they heck is a class ring? lt sounds really dumb.
Only on a clothes message board could you find fruit cakes like this:
Proof that the Doc has lost his marbles:
I don't know why you guys even bother with AAAC anymore. Reading those inane threads makes me bored and physically tired nowdays. Cruiser is such a dumbshit its incredible he remembers to breathe.
Last edited by Matt (2010-01-17 04:31:03)
Last edited by Voltaire's Bastard (2010-01-17 13:31:06)