Manton has the myth of Manton to sell.
Some buy it, some see through it. It all depends on how much you already know.
^He, he, he, he. The BB non-iron shirts are fit for purpose i.e. for the man who can't be bothered ironing his work shirts. I've several white OCBD's and they work a treat. Anyone who gets lost in the technical details of a washing machine is a nerd beyond contempt. Throw it in, lob is some powder or liquid, put in a full wash, take them out before you spin dry and hang up. Simples!
Some of the posts, the shoe one as an example, strikes me as that effete, as not to be true. Its BS marketing, as JJ hit on, its about grooming the avid forum member for screwing financially later.
Aren't washing machines automatic? At least in my country they are. (Just yell at the bitch if she fucks up...!!!) Seriously, it's not hard at all. Just don't mix colours in with whites. The rest is a no brainer. I suspect that thread is Jim and his crew giving us something to laugh at.
Ben Silver? Those guys mark up even worse than Needless Markup and the Broosk Brother's Alden shoos. I'm sure the re-seller was a total prick, though. He has iGent marks all over him, and I think I can smell the unique stench from here...
And Apropos forgot #4. He is shaped like a pear.
This made me smile:
And how could I have missed these:
Hard to tell if the first post is a troll or not, but this guy asks the AAAC council of the wise to help him pick out an overcoat based on price and some vague auguries of a chest size that he might or might not have in the future. Serious answers ensue.
The sequel to "how do I wear shoes?"
And an iGent favorite, how do I make one of the simplest conceivable tasks (owning pocket squares) ultra-complicated and fussy?
Also note that the Ben Silver flareup from my previous post has now been thoroughly sanitized by the mods, though it does feature a monumental response from Kabbaz, a post from a brave or misguided soul who sought to test Silver's "international" reputation by calling a bunch of clothing stores in England and asking if they've heard of Ben Silver (they must have loved that), and a heartwarming story from the bearded teacher from Brooklyn who mysteriously has a delightful bespoke wardrobe.
AAAC is a much nicer place than say Styleforum. There is a lot of rudeness towards each other on Styleforum. I think that's the only difference between the two places. his forum can get fairly rude too but at least it is mainly toward other forums. Members here are nice to each other.
Last edited by Hermes Boy McCoy (2010-01-23 10:22:43)
Last edited by Voltaire's Bastard (2010-01-24 00:04:07)
Dukegrad is a mystery indeed - he writes like he has retired from a long, unsuccessful career in prizefighting, or some other pursuit in which you get hit in the head constantly. Yet he also sounds like a shocked dowager. Perplexing.
Is Che some sort mega monster on the level of Hitler, Mao and Stalin?