Little Billy may be short but we have it on his authority that he is a "big timer." He is plenty tough on teh fora.
This may be a language issue, but is this guy asking if he has the board's permission to wear a sweater when it's cold? And as a corollary, if he wears a bulky sweater, will it make him look bulky? Anyway, I'm grateful for the link to that nice $300 shawl cardigan. Pity he hasn't received any snippy responses yet telling him that the cardigan has incorrect buttons, but we can wait.
And then this classic inanity:
If I'm not mistaken, the question is: "I'm wearing a collar that's too wide for my jacket - is there some device I can purchase to fix this 'problem'?" How about, wear a different shirt? or jacket? I often find that if I wear a bulky sweater under my dress shirt and suit it makes me look very odd and bulgy - is there some sort of breathable polymer sheathe I can buy to compress the sweater to my body?
Maybe these guys can make me one:
Last edited by Don Juan (2010-02-02 13:05:20)
Indeed. Here's an edited highlight from a recent email correspondence from someone close to 4F Hepcat:
That man (the name has been changed to protect the guilty - 4F) is an enigma. He does have talent - to latch onto key "buzzwords" - but this completely blinds him from the fact that he knows F'all about the subject matter. He did this when he sneaked into C&P while no-one was looking, and bullshitted everyone with over-elaborate flowcharts and processes.
Any management that has to hire outside fuckwits who know nothing about the processes or business in to make change, should automatically be sacked. If you can't promote the change yourself, then why the hell are you in that position in the first place?
Consultancy: expensive bullshit, you can get for free by brainstorming whilst pissed.
Thus, ends today's lesson.
I like acronyms, many of them display genius in their simple, obviousness, and yet, you yourself never thought of them. An example, not from industry, but my home town, EPIC: Ellesmere Port Indoor Centre. Sheer brilliance in its simplicity.
The nuclear industry, along with wind farms - the future.
Beats working on the HDFA shutdown at Shell Stanlow. Except, shutdowns and routine maintenance will be given a back burner when the Indians take over.
Standards are dropping over there to all time lows:
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-02-02 21:22:54)
Dayum... vox sartoria is just owning on Cruz Diaz. Ouch!!!
So is everybody else
Suggest you guys get a copy of API RBI 580, that tells you all you need to know about managing risk, you can apply to other industries and topics.
There are also operating conditions where it is known that no failure will occur....
Except for aeroplanes, they're pretty deadly, especially when you're watching Seconds From Disaster on National Geographic the night before an eleven hour flight.