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#1 2006-11-18 08:23:47

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

On Wearing a Scarf...

(Or Muffler).

Makes all the difference I'd say.
September through to April.
I'm right aren't I?


"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#2 2006-11-18 08:44:32

Lord Hillyer
Posts: 507

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...


#3 2006-11-18 09:39:48

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

You're so Topsy-Turvy, M'Lud.

I once 'Did-as-I-would-be-Done-by'...

My back has never been the same since.

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#4 2006-11-18 10:22:55

Lord Hillyer
Posts: 507

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...


#5 2006-11-18 10:45:38

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

Nietzsche or Nurture?

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#6 2006-11-18 10:47:06

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

Don't call me scarf face.

Last edited by Terry Lean (2006-11-18 12:26:39)

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#7 2006-11-18 12:39:31

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

How do we all tie our scarves here (If we knot them at all)?

Too many men now tie them the girl's way IMVHO.

I quite like mine untied and back over one shoulder with the body of the scarf pulled up on to my chin as though I were a highwayman who had just let his disguise slip slightly.

But that's just me.

Old school?

You can have a lot of fun with a scarf.

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#8 2006-11-19 03:26:29

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

Has The Look.

Edit: Dear me, that's not right. Click on 'Charcoal' to see a nicer one.

Last edited by Terry Lean (2006-11-19 03:28:02)

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#9 2006-11-19 03:32:47

Posts: 6433

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#10 2006-11-19 04:20:06

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#11 2006-11-19 04:22:13

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

A new company & a nice one.
Like Johnstons of Elgin their entire range of knitwear is always interesting.

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#12 2006-11-20 03:01:00

Posts: 6433

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#13 2006-11-20 22:11:14

Posts: 6433

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#14 2006-11-21 03:26:26

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

Now I'm with you.
Ummmm.... This is the girl's knot!
Tho' I guess if you did it looped right over left you'd butch it up a notch.
It IS the scarf knot that's everywhere still.
Girls wore it, then 'Metrosexuals', and now everybody does.

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#15 2006-11-21 07:29:46

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

*Takes large mouthful of Humble Pie*

The Fulham knot (although not called that back then) is a perfectly manly knot from the 19th Century, if not before.
My four-in-hand-esq style knot comes from the cravat and is much more of an affectation in origin, although it became widespread in the 20th century.

Mr. Horace is quite correct that the Fulham is really an old sailor's knot.

I am also informed that I am a jackass.

I shall live quietly with my shame.


"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#16 2006-11-21 07:36:15

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

Oh - And there is a whole lost language of knots too.
They all have different meanings like flowers used to.

Anybody know about this?
I had no idea.

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#17 2006-11-21 08:42:14

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

OK - Every knot has a name & every knot has a meaning. Mostly lost now.

A lot of all this originates from the sea and the knots & meanings have links to Fishermen's & Sailor's knitwear patterns & scrimshaw designs.

In the 19th Century all this symbolism became mainstream with cravat knots.
H. Le Blanc's 1828 'The Art of Tying the Cravat' has 22 knots.
(There is also a theory that 'H. Le Blanc' was actually Balzac himself mucking around & having a bit of fun under a phoney name. What a troll!)
And the cravat itself comes from Croatian soldiers back in the 17th Century.

And dat's all I know so far.

Prof. Terry.

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#18 2006-11-21 22:31:27

Posts: 6433

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#19 2006-11-22 00:54:28

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: On Wearing a Scarf...

Oh yes, every toffy Brit is a tosser at heart!

The expert on knots is affectionately know as Micky Mouth. He also informs that the knots employed in Japanese bondage all had/have names & symbolic meanings too. Odd how one subject can lead on to another...

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


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