Last edited by Junior Astaire (2010-02-12 11:42:29)
Some modest inanity on this crisp Saturday morning:
A thread about wingtips degenerates into autistic babbling and infantile misogyny. The fact that so many AAAC posters are married is an enduring mystery.
"I bought some old used up shoes that a syphilitic hobo wore without socks for ten years, is there any kind of harsh chemical that I can use to restore them to pristine condition?" OH. MY. GOD. People, if you want new shoes, buy them new. Worth reading for the truly idiotic advice about ironing the creases out.
Gee, maybe try "cognac"? Or, and this is shocking, bring the shoes in to a store that sells Meltonian creams and match them in person? It's gratifying that no one has answered as of this posting.
Apparently Knezz (who has a delightfully pugnacious and dim-witted writing style) missed the 4,000 other threads on Allen Edmonds seconds on AAAC.
The whole cult of Allen Edmonds on Ask Andy is very interesting. I think Allen Edmonds are mostly perfectly nice shoes, and worlds better than 99% of the shoes I see in my daily life (though there are certainly hideous exceptions, like the forum-popular Delray). But there's so much mythology about them on the boards, and everyone seems to expect to be able to find a deep-discount, discontinued model, factory second for $45.00. Just buy the goddam shoes that you want people! Sometimes human beings need to spend more than the cost of a modest dinner on a pair of shoes that will last for a decade! ARG!
Maybe some people shouldn't get suits made up.
I count four, that's right, four threads on the first page that discuss in some shape or fashion, Allen Edmonds..
Those shoes have such a devoted following there but none of the iGents are willing to pay full price for them. I am assuming they do not see the value of AE at $300, but jump all over them at $100 or less on fleaBay.
Postscript. I also noticed that 75% of those threads are about either recrafting worn out fucken shoes that should be dumpster bound in order to avoid having to pay up for a new pair, buying seconds, or inquiries about when they go on sale,
Last edited by John Rotten (2010-02-13 17:38:17)
I'm so happy! I get to link this again:
Especially as my 'Trads' are heading further down this route now too...
Yes, what is that?
Dirty Lurch!
Quote it in a sig? That could be the motto for much of the entire senior membership over there!
^Its his wife and the kids I'm worried about....and the school kids.