Last edited by Kingstonian (2010-02-15 04:24:40)
Over the years, he has shared with us that:
He is a grossly overweight accountant, in some small town in Michigan, with minute details of his unsuccessful attempts to remedy the weight problem.
Minute details of a colonoscopy; including a graphic description of the problems that led up to the procedure.
The dental deal, where a trip to the pharmacy would have yielded the information that Mr Meyer gave him. There is a kit in the dental section for this purpose. Instead, this ends up in the AA Interchange for reasons that are still unclear. Howard always chimes in on things like this.
Virtually every post contains the information that he is an AA moderator. Obviously the highlight of his pathetic existence. It is easy to visualize the eye rolling that accompanies this news when he passes it on to a babe that he is trying to impress.
Last edited by Matt (2010-02-15 05:40:37)
l can't believe Howard is still posting there; l thought he left years ago. By quickly looking at his posts, he keeps mainly to the interchange these days.
Enough with the dybbuks and Nazis, it's time for more old-fashioned inanity:
This thread answers two questions: how do men dress in Sweden, and how do people with various personality disorders respond to this information?
This is really a spectacular thread. An iGent orders some Allen Edmonds from Nordstrom (the Park Avenue, the World's Most Boring Shoe). They arrive with some largely imaginary flaws and he throws a tizzy about how terrible Allen Edmonds customer service is, and how great Nordstrom is. He also expects the free 30th anniversary shoe trees (a $25 value!) despite the fact that Nordstrom wasn't even offering free shoe trees, Allen Edmonds was, through their own website. Stay tuned for the pictures especially. Classic iGent throughout. Five stars!
This is kind an ensemble piece, with few stand-out performances (barring the rising star "hsw", who types like a hard-bitten Prohibition era detective who has had a few strokes). Lots of love-letters to the various creepy weirdos who sell Alden shoes over the internet. Everyone seems to think it's perfectly normal that you would have to pre-register and pay a deposit and then wait six months to get an Indy boot with a unusual stitching color.
Last edited by eightysixed (2010-02-15 18:54:25)
Some real corkers this morning:
Yet another thread about the sad decline of Brooks Brothers. Why I remember when they would give you a sack suit for free - IF you knew the Skull and Bones handshake!
A novice iGent from the Palin state asks advice on how to take his look from "innocuous mall suit" to "ridiculous."
Help pick my shirt color! No, that's your job doofus.
More blather about creases.
"What goes with beige?" Hmm, I would advise KILL YOURSELF.
Also note that the author of the "I'm so angry about these horribly flawed shoes!" thread has departed in a huff, AND the guy who asked advice on removing creases from eBay hobo shoes has ACTUALLY TRIED TO IRON THEM. He also makes the completely baffling assertion that he's "leery" of factory seconds from Allen Edmonds (every AAAC forumite has a closet full of these), yet he's willing to IRON shoes that someone else has worn:
How could we have missed this festival of inanity - advice for having clothes tailored so that you can carry a concealed handgun?
It's delightful to see that Andyites have the same rabid insecurity about lethal firearms as they do about clothing. "I saw some suspicious youths on my way to the dermatologist's office in Spokane - I'm so glad that I was carrying several powerful handguns stuffed into my pants! I shudder to think what would have happened if I hadn't been carrying guns and they had decided to attack me...sexually!"
Meanwhile the youths are thinking, "who is that over-dressed weirdo and why is he staring at us? Probably a molester."
Last edited by Big Tony (2010-02-16 16:04:54)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-02-16 21:07:01)