The old man really likes to play the shill.
Nowhere does he say Matt Deckard stuff is made by with a few frills added.
Matt Deckard is to clothing as Paul Teutul is to motorcycles - just decoration.
Such vomit.
This has to be the dumbest question ever asked on the clothing interwebz.
An interesting quote.
In what way is Cordovan like drape etc.?
I can't see it in any way.
^That's unfair to Alden, one has to navigate the tricky waters to the inner sanctum and dizzying heights of the Cloth Club before you get fleeced. Alden doesn't fleece just anyone, you can take being ripped off as a complement.
So was Bishop really banned from LL? I remember reading about his friendly encounter with Alden?
Proof that Andyland can take even the simplest topic and make it creepy and vaguely grating.
Last edited by Bishop of Briggs (2010-02-18 03:37:01)