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#4501 2010-02-25 21:18:11

Posts: 1276

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Last edited by g- (2010-02-25 21:19:02)


#4502 2010-02-25 21:22:36

Posts: 1383

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)
This little turd is blatantly trolling all of AAAC and very few posters seem to have caught on. He may be the ultimate iGent, with an accent on the "Gent." Let's review:

19 years old (and well within the iGent physical type at 5'6", 130 pounds)
Makes elaborate but non-specific claims to noble birth
Claims to have spent 2,500 Euros having a signet ring made to replace the one buried with his father
Also claims to be impoverished, because his grandfather disinherited him for choosing the wrong fiancee
Does not know his own jacket size (as demonstrated in this thread, in which he mentions a Zara jacket. Zara is, of course, the traditional source of fine clothing for armigerous families of Europe); is not capable of looking up jacket size conversions on the internet
Posted a ludicrous story in which he claimed to have been criticized for drinking gin and tonic, working from the presumption that gin and tonic is an ancient and rare drink of the aristocracy that one rarely sees anymore (rather than a ubiquitous staple); conclusion - he has never actually had a gin and tonic or been to a bar or party
Has posted extensive threads complaining about being addressed incorrectly by people of "lesser social standing," including form letters from department stores that called him "Mr."
Aaaaand this gem:
Will not reveal his identity, despite his constant blathering about his lineage
If he's so god-damn noble and moves in such rarefied circles why doesn't he ask Prince Charles where to shop?

So The Dandy is a stunningly obvious fake but the Andyites of course eat up anything that smacks of a clearly defined social hierarchy. One or two posters emerge to call him a troll every now and again, but the majority of Andyites seem content to dispense their usual bad advice, and some actively court him and applaud his offensively ridiculous classist blather.

I have almost no direct experience with nobility but from what I understand no one, noble or common, considers it polite or courteous for a person to go around saying "As a person of lesser social standing you must address me in the appropriate fashion." I'm not a violent person, but on reading through the Dandy's posts I felt a sudden pang of sympathy for Robespierre. I also felt a deep joy and pride in my American heritage of calling everyone "hoss" and basing social standing exclusively on SUV ownership and how many Disney vacations you can afford.

Last edited by Gilgamesh2003 (2010-02-25 21:35:26)


#4503 2010-02-25 22:46:31

Maximilien de Robespierre
Posts: 1153

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Last edited by Maximilien de Robespierre (2010-02-26 01:54:25)


#4504 2010-02-25 23:55:15

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Over the holidays I was at a friend's parent's place watching that MTV program where some snot-nosed brat gets a sweet 16 party that costs in the low millions of dollars. Invariably the little shit throws a tantrum at some member of the great unwashed over something beyond minor, after which the dad rewards said snot with 18 luxury cars to reward their gracious, down to earth behavior. It occurred to me that the russian revolution, in particular the part where they lined the czar's family up against a wall and shot the fuck out of them, would've been a hell of a time. They say the slugs ricocheted off of the jewels in their corsets....

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#4505 2010-02-26 00:40:13

Maximilien de Robespierre
Posts: 1153

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#4506 2010-02-26 01:10:30

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

In any case our host did his finishing school in the yugoslav red army and found my suggestion more amusing than i did.

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#4507 2010-02-26 01:53:28

Maximilien de Robespierre
Posts: 1153

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#4508 2010-02-26 02:02:49

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#4509 2010-02-26 02:36:45

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#4510 2010-02-26 02:54:32

Maximilien de Robespierre
Posts: 1153

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Last edited by Maximilien de Robespierre (2010-02-26 02:54:47)


#4511 2010-02-26 03:50:23

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

the ethnic hatred was pretty well kept under wraps back then. its amazing how many people, old and young alike, miss the old regime. and they stopped being a satellite after the armistice with the US in '48. the US actually gave them a lot of military aid as they were seen as a buffer against the hard-core commies.

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#4512 2010-02-26 06:57:48

Big Tony
Posts: 5478

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

^ I love it when you guys get into historical discussions, good clean fun for all.

"What sort of post-apocalyptic deathscape is this?"
"I don't want to look like a cock hungry sailor after all !!!"
"When it comes to infidelity, broken families, and reckless fatherhood, the underclass are amateurs."


#4513 2010-02-26 06:59:23

Big Tony
Posts: 5478

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

"What sort of post-apocalyptic deathscape is this?"
"I don't want to look like a cock hungry sailor after all !!!"
"When it comes to infidelity, broken families, and reckless fatherhood, the underclass are amateurs."


#4514 2010-02-26 09:26:54

Maximilien de Robespierre
Posts: 1153

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#4515 2010-02-26 10:19:52

Junior Astaire
Posts: 271

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Why do all this pear shaped geek's clothes fit so sloppy?


#4516 2010-02-26 10:25:18

Just Jim
Posts: 1159

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Very messy.

Those Cords are a disgrace.


#4517 2010-02-26 10:26:42

Junior Astaire
Posts: 271

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#4518 2010-02-26 10:54:40

Big Tony
Posts: 5478

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

"What sort of post-apocalyptic deathscape is this?"
"I don't want to look like a cock hungry sailor after all !!!"
"When it comes to infidelity, broken families, and reckless fatherhood, the underclass are amateurs."


#4519 2010-02-26 14:11:31

Junior Astaire
Posts: 271

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

How would this asshole know?

Maybe it's a pear shaped thing?


#4520 2010-02-26 14:29:52

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

'Are You Being Served?' was based on Simpsons, you know...  But of course you knew.

A nice shop.

Very different to The Row & also to Jermyn Street on which (via the shirt department) it backed out.

Simpsons had a very 'Piccadilly' style. Very 'West End' style...

Like Fortnums they had their own well, you know...


#4521 2010-02-26 14:39:45

From: Wiseacre
Posts: 8359

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

"Dressing, like painting, should have a residual stability, plus punctuation and surprise." - Richard Merkin

Souvent me Souvient


#4522 2010-02-26 20:38:40

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-02-26 20:41:36)


#4523 2010-02-26 22:41:23

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-02-26 22:50:38)


#4524 2010-02-26 23:08:53

Posts: 1383

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

I must admit that I rose to the troll-bait and gave The Dandy a long, humorless dressing-down in this thread:
I kind of feel like I lost the game because he got under my skin with his iGent to the 100th power affectations, but maybe my monitory post will be the Ask Andy equivalent of the Storming of the Bastille, and we'll have blood in the fora before sunrise. AAAC could really use a Reign of Terror.


#4525 2010-02-26 23:28:46

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-02-26 23:31:28)

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