Blandest possible response from The Dandy, though it seems that his troll facade may be crumbling.
I like the J.S Mill that just happened to be on the table for the shot. I'm always reading tomes when snapping pics for my Igent friends.
Spot the howler from the faux Jermyn Steet customer.
"Down the street a bit are Sims, Reed & Fogg, the antiquarian booksellers. And, of course, Hilditch & Key, Harvie & Hudson, Crockett & Jones, New & Lingwood – all shirt-sellers. The street is synonymous with shirts."
"This article was amended on 26 February 2010. The first paragraph originally read, "the whole block is going", including Getti the Italian restaurant and the Jermyn Street theatre. This has been corrected. Elsewhere in the piece Russell & Bromley was removed from a list of shirtmakers."
Last edited by Bishop of Briggs (2010-02-28 14:59:47)
Last edited by formby (2010-02-28 14:36:57)
Yous folks is seriously twisted man.
Another igent asking stupid kiddy questions. Why can't he make up his own mind? l suppose his wife dresses him too.
Last edited by Tailoring Police (2010-03-01 06:36:50)