Last edited by Cruz Diez (2010-03-11 02:40:47)
Inanity, thy name is Andyland:
Notable less for the silly initial question (which repeats the forum canard that black is a forbidden color) than for the remarkably venomous, condescending replies. A little Styleforum, right here in the gentle world of Kabbaz and Cruiser!
Speaking of Kabbaz:
No price could be too high for a shirt that unusual and gorgeous. Maybe Andy will pair it with an olive green sportscoat (four or five size too large), some nice high-rise wool pants, and several pocket squares.
Are you allowed to put your glasses in the same pocket as your pocket square? Yes, do this, put EVERYTHING in the pocket. Put your extra collar stays and your cordovan-polishing bone in there. God knows a suit jacket offers no other place to keep small objects.
^ gonna have to add some padding that one shoulder
25,000+ posts for Manton? Speaks to how much shittier and emptier his real life got in 5 years.
The old man tries to shill a Pags MTM (modified RTW ?)shirt and then
some igent pretends he has never heard of Pags and gets a little snark.
Last edited by Ed-1 (2010-03-11 13:07:53)
Sweet mother of Christ.
What the . . . ?
I have suddenly become ashamed to admit I browse men's clothing fora on the internets..
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-03-11 21:04:44)
Last edited by Junior Astaire (2010-03-12 07:01:44)
A boring knob waxes uh poetic on his boredom. The real goods in this thread is the hilarious deluded analysis of the styleforum club. See posts #24 and #29. Can the most tedious of Igents be blamed for their online behavior when the others who look up to them engage in this level of bullshit?