The more articles I read on clothes, the more I wonder about the sources.
These feature article authors do not understand clothing so they rely on the subject to supply all the information, that's not quite the consumer advocacy they pretend to offer. Additionally, this continual string of fussy and privileged images gets old. "Only the finest" or "From pure Andalusian goat fibers" gets tiring. No wonder it attracts obsessive fuss budgets, Anal super heroes, old frustrated effeminates and the insane. Some moron asked my shirtmaker for a 64th of an inch change... hopefully for his straight jacket.
Good points.
Next question: is Brioni bespoke a good value? $4,600 for a bespoke Brioni suit? I think not, but maybe I'm wrong.
Seems like a lot of smoke and mirrors to me, at least the way they're presented in this article. Plus, they rely way too much on the Bond connection to justify their existence and prices.