I found this accidentally but I like it.
It's good to see "hiphop" personalities donning suits in a more classic style (rather than NBA Georgio Brutini) a la Jay Z, Andre 3000, even Sean John sometimes.
and I do see better dressed newscasters, one local sportscaster in LA Rob Fukuzaki wears some very nice outfits with very deliberate shirt collars, ties, and overall fit.
that was a good read, something I've thought about as well, but you articulated it very well
Spot on.
FNB you remind me of Patrick Bateman. Brilliant and a bit mad all at the same time
In the past four or five months of my life I've become completely obsessed with all things Sartorial. In the past I've spent a lot of money on closets and drawers full of crap clothing that I never wear because none of it fits right and when worn it all makes me look like every other jackass I see in nightclubs around town. It took me years to come full circle back to the suit. You're right. It is the center. But all the minor details of a suit and it's components can combine to present an effect that doesn't really conjure up images of the kool-aid zombie cubicle worker. It just looks like you and what you're about. The differences are small but the effect is great. I was just discussing this tonight at a restaurant with a girl I'm dating (for lack of a better or more tasteful term). I asked her what gives an ensemble an "edge"? Is it fit? Color? Accessories? Lack of? We (I) quickly came to the conclusion that it was everything together that made the difference (this isn't really what you were asking but I felt like writing about this so hey).
For me, what is valuable in a suit is how it makes me feel while wearing it. Yes, people react differently to you. But I also think that you conduct yourself in a well postured, confident manner when in a suit. At least I do. This has a lot to do with the social implications of suit wearing. People associate suits with success and power but you also ACT successful and powerful in a suit.