Civil war ( and a menagerie of other) reenactors, Rennaissance Faire, Klingons, Wiccans, Goths, Michael Jackson fans in glove,hat and single curly forehead lock, Jesus people, Michigan militias, sex parties dressed in animal outfits and sports fans in tribal attire and warpaint.
A nieghbor is a college student and club dancer- sometimes 'art model.' She was in the laundryroom today. She did a shoot at a nearby nude beach saturday. The nudists, all 50 something men with beer guts, flaccid members and eternal optimism as they squatted nearby with legs open to reveal their manhood and eager facial expressions. Poor thing said she wanted to burst out laughing but had to retain her focus.
Has real life become so onerous that the mantra is escape,escape,escape for some in a fantasy world no drug could inspire?
Last edited by ckav (2010-04-26 23:39:27)
Last edited by Maximilien de Robespierre (2010-04-27 02:04:54)
Last edited by Popeye Doyle (2010-04-27 05:41:59)
I should note that wearing a kilt with a belt is a modern thing, and wrong and ugly. Don't do it.
Mean Girls! The Fedora Lounge is too easy to mock.
In fairness to the Fedora Lounge crowd, all they need to do is buy the one hat. It does not matter what it looks like or whether it suits them. One purchase and the transformation is done.
Some may go the whole hog with retro clothes like Humphrey Bogart. Some may become Indiana Jones.
Most will just make do with a Hawaiian shirt and a big cigar. Maybe pose with the brim pulled down archly over one eye. Good Luck to them.
I wore a Akubra purchased from David Morgan during my more active days in archaeology. We were on the multi site Wood Ranch complex below the present Reagan Library. This guy took exception to my hat and arrived one day in full safari kit and pith helmet. The manager of the still active cattle operation rode up because my tormentor left a gate open. He let loose a stream of Marlborough Man insults about another friend of Kav's showing up 'in costume.' The cowboy let him run his mouth and finally said 'That's all real nice to know young feller, now pack your gear and don't come back.'
When Indiana Jones came out I soon left the Akubra at home. I've lost count of the various amatuer astronomers, geologists, 4WD owners etc with a story of running into Harrison Ford while wearing THEIR Fedora and inspiring the look. I did meet Ford through a mutual friend. I had my hat, talked about archaeology and a carpentry tool store for collectors in Santa Monica. Ford said they had his fedora made and he hoped it would gt my 'sweaty old look' soon.
Sometime employer and nieghbor Tom Selleck was originaly cast until his committment to Magnum P.I. came in conflict. I asked Tom about the hat. He said wardrobe looked at a whole lot of old adventure movies and came up with the look, and the whip was a nod to days when heroes all had unusual weapons.
All I wanted to do was keep my head cool.
Last edited by ckav (2010-04-27 15:26:49)
As to what the Capone is shooting, it looks like a muzzleloading shotgun. My computer monitor is not the best, so I could be mistaken. His costume seems a bit anachronistic for a muzzleloading shotgun, however.
As for the lad in the sailor suit, if he can get girls like that in his arms, then perhaps I missed a bet in shunning costuming!