Thanks for answering that Quay.
Equally, you are putting a certain amount of effort in here, so what is your mission, what's you game?
Who are you really having a go at?
Who is your sponsor?
I hate Bach and Steely Dan.
What does that say about me?
^Its not what's lacking in your music collection BT, its what's in it that is the point of departure into amateur psychiatrism, conducted on professional psychoanalysists or psychiatrists.
Case in question, Quay has taken too long to reply, he's not hungry enough to be as clever as he makes out, he's a creation of a quango, a mere humunculus.
He could indeed, be one lone operator, but he's busy doing research on the net, in which case its still a team effort.
^^Wait a minute, Big Tony, you said you don't like Steely Dan?
Tony, I hold no Mad Max illusions of defending anyone. What your own former shooting community can tell you is not all firearms or owners are dedicated to some paranoia. We have a strong hunting tradition, though declining that has poured money into conservation. Target shooting in many forms from vintage arms to Bisley, combat and olympic are highly competitive. In fact, it was the .50BMG target rifle folks in California who developed match loads that allowed a canadian sniper team in Afghanistan to make the longest documented kill on a Taliban intent on harming their mates. I've carried small arms in the wilderness, not so much for protection but the distastfull but necessary duty of humanely putting down injured livestock days from a DVM. Small arms are still used on farms for control of predators. Collectors of firearms are a link to history.
And here's another WW2 historical anecdote. After Dunquirk the UK was desperately short of small arms in spite of Enfield and our industry working 24/7.
You may know of the detailed defense plans employing the Home Guard. What you SHOULD be educated about was the source of a immediate supply of sidearms. It was the american citizen, answering an appeal carried in the NRA magazine and government ads who donated thousands of privately held pieces. Your Home guardsman very likely took that Luftwaffe pilot prisoner with a broad arrow proofed Colt Single Action.
But you're nice and safe, except the french may pour out of the chunnel any minute to avenge Agincourt and those pesky lowclass yoemen archers. You still can own longbows.
Last edited by ckav (2010-04-30 16:16:34)
Last edited by g- (2010-04-30 20:35:14)
Last edited by Gilgamesh2003 (2010-05-01 06:48:47)
Tony, how can you hate the lovable moppet who's playing his cute little heart out on this famous prelude?
Last edited by g- (2010-05-01 09:54:49)
No personal shot was taken. If you wish to comment on firearms within the context of the british social experiment that is your right. The american experiment is different and not held by victorian beliefs the ascent of mankind hit it's high point in Rudyard Kipling's white man's burden carried forward largely by men packing Enfields,Martinis and SMLEs as their argument for opium's benefits.
Last edited by ckav (2010-05-01 19:03:12)
Model/moderator Jovan schools a poster on the fine points of wearing pants with a blazer:
Note that he was criticizing this fresh-minted twink, who is pretty obviously dressing like a cartoon preppy and may even have a sense of irony:
Also, the phrase "sense of irony" reminded me of something that's been bothering me for a while - what the hell is KitonBrioni's deal? Who is he? He clearly suffers from a mental illness because he posts his silly outfit lists on virtually every clothes forum. Each of his outfits on his blog achieves the same look (frotteur wearing clothing six sizes too large and odious lizard-skin shoes) in a subtly different way.
Moderator in the making.
"Do you know this famous actor? Anyone have any of his used clothing? Anything REALLY SWEATY? Just asking for normal dude reasons."