I think he's rather nicely motivated now. The whip can be put to one side.
His self-defensive nature stays, but he's more of a games player now. A healthy thing online.
Last edited by Big Tony (2010-05-17 06:59:42)
Last edited by Big Tony (2010-05-17 07:00:03)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-05-17 07:53:19)
A rare gem from SF, this from Man o'Limp, identifying SFers (and you clowns, too,) as the "Last Bastion" of dressing well. (Why are bastions only described as "last" bastions? Where are the first, second, etc. bastions?) But most notable is his claim that if he had take a job where he couldn't wear a tie he would wear a tie to and from work every day:
not exactly inane, but it almost made me spill my lunch:
fortunately I didn't have chicken...
does AK shave his legs?
BTW, link is NSFW!