It seems to me that there is no question but that Manton is in the right in this situation. Any argument otherwise seems like nothing other than sour grapes to me.
Last edited by Incroyable (2006-12-06 00:26:19)
Forum, Not Bullshit.
It doesn't actually make grammatical sense does it?
I was imagining a voice over on T.V., I think.
I work too hard.
Edit: I'd better be clear or I'll just muddy the thread -
I'm saying that this is a real forum. There's no bullshit here, people can debate & discuss things freely.
Further edit: And that your post was real forum stuff & not bullshit.
Last edited by Terry Lean (2006-12-06 09:14:12)
I will not bother to quote all that. I also do not like it when someone plays a game with me that I am tiring them by being reasonable. I shall make this comment.
I have no reason to care much about DB. I do see you conveniently prance around the one statement DB makes that is important. He said he couldn't work it out because AAAC and Kabbaz, Manton et al. made sure he couldn't. That they were threatening his business for some reason. You ask why did he have so much trouble with so many and that DB is a paranoid but you gloss over the very reason. Do you need to know what that reason is before it gets dismissed?
Why does not Manton post here? I haven't seen mention that he only posts where it isn't personally skewed against DB and where he isn't in league or partnership with the managment. But then that isn't a place that fosters conspiracies, right? If he wants to make himself look like a foolish old codger writing to an online magazine as if it isn't personal then he has to risk being laughed at.
Consider that buried deep within the things DB has legitimately disappointed in there might be another thought process at work over there.
I think it is outrageous for anyone on this forum to question the integrity of Manton or any other member of AAAC with regard to their dealings with Darren Beaman.
The business arrangement between U.S. customers and overseas tailors, shirtmakers or shoemakers is quite simple; the balance due will be paid upon delivery of the finished product to the customer in the U.S.
Manton has made it clear that he will gladly pay Beaman the balance due upon delivery of the finished suit to him in the United States. Beaman appears to want the balance paid in advance of delivering the finished suit. At this time, nobody in their right mind would do this.
I applaud Manton, the other members of AAAC as well as Marc Grayson for bringing this situation to everyones attention.
Quite frankly, this is part of the reason why I lost interest in AAAC. The endless jumping in of people without direct knowledge of the situation vis a vis DB and his customers never sat well with me nor did the public airing of private grievances. I would have thought a simple caveat emptor would have been sufficient but apparently people are unwilling to just let this die. I do find no small amount of irony in the fact that some of DB's most ardent supporters who treated DB's arrival at AAAC like the unannounced appearance of a Playboy Playmate at a comic book convention are now the ones outdoing themselves in heaping scorn on DB.
If I never hear another word about this sad sorry state of affairs it will be too soon.
So Manton is criticized for never saying anything negative about his tailors.
And then Manton is criticized for saying something negative about a tailor with whom others have also had problems.
Is there anything that Manton could do that would not cause some posters here to start once again flinging insults at him (or in Horace's case thinly veiled insults that he considers other people stupid enough to take as constructive criticism)?
I am afraid that this thread typifies why this forum will probably always be something of a bad joke - which is a shame given that some of the members here genuinely know a lot when it comes to style, construction, fit and artisans.
Last edited by Vaclav (2006-12-06 14:53:27)
Here's a fact:
If you want to grow a fantastic moustache you should use Elizabeth Arden's '8 Hour Cream' on your top lip every night. Somehow it makes the moustache 'rich & full and lush' I'm told.