Last edited by Big Tony (2010-06-04 12:19:17)
Note also the untied shoelace. This 'look' can be attributed directly to Ro day yoh cowpersons. You MUST wear PRCA Wranglers ( with the stolen asscheek lift stolen from maidenform to turn on bucklebunnies) sized a minimum 4" longer in the inseam to form the gaucho boot accordian look as they collide with the boot AND pressed neatly to show a crisp crease down the front.Cage dresses like he acts.
So can we use your name?
Last edited by Big Tony (2010-06-04 16:05:08)
Last edited by suds-okeefe (2010-06-04 16:14:49)
Kapputz is 'He who must be obeyed...'
Oh, now I understand why the foraz are now 95% less witty than before.
The Kabbatz phenomenon is beyond any rational. Andy is a retired everyman. Kabbatz found my writings interesting and even claimed to show them to some NYC advertising contacts. He mentioned visiting California once, living in Pasadena and finding the experience abhorrant before fleeing back to the Big Apple.
So he makes shirts for 'names' and we can imagine clients like Cary Grant who lost them when his wife's liner sank. Note she and the anecdote about having them lengthened 1/16" in Europe survived for igents to marvel at starry eyed.
But WHO on the forum can, or would afford his shirts? This is the group that bemoaned Cable Car Clothiers insane markup but note it is a institution kept alive by those with enough disposable income to maintain it as bastion of SF of days past.
Do people really buy Kabbatz' pantherella socks and pocket squares just to get his packaging, like women who buy one item at a high end store just to carry their logo around?
I dunno but he definitely comes off like a serious dick.
Wasn't CG especially careful with his $$$ or did Kabbage let him have them free just so that he could come up with this type of krap?
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-06-06 02:55:23)
Last edited by Cruz Diez (2010-06-06 00:48:23)