Why should killing of Jews be given more prominence than killing of Russians or Armenians or Rwandans ?
Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2010-06-27 12:22:27)
Damned Lucas,Laird of Darkness; the Rolls-Royce just blew it's electrics and I have to wait another hour.
His Holyness, The Dalai Lama approached a prominent Rebi to learn from him. Rebi was a little nonplussed. His Holyness explained " your people lost their home, suffered persecution for 2000 years. Yet you survived and have your home again. My people lost our home and are scattered too. We need to survive."
I can name few, if any ethnic or national groups who haven't oppressed another one in some measure. Even the fossil record suggests homo Erectus deliberately murdered and cannibalised his own kind.
The jewish holocaust isn't special or unfairly used. And in sheer numbers Stalin murdered even more people. But it was the orchestrated effort of a few that swept a whole nation -and other nations who should have known better into a deliberate and terribly efficient genocide never matched for effort, if not results that is.
And neither are being against hawkish right wing zionism and being anti semitic the same thing.
There are plenty of other voices in Israel that never get heard.
Plenty of other Jewish voices outside Israel too, including one set of Orthodox who believe that a Jewish state was NOT God's will after the destruction of the temple. http://www.nkusa.org/
Quoting Fimkelstein again The worst thing that ever happened to Israel was American Jews. They are warmongers from Martha's Vineyard and warmongers from The Hamptons........
Last edited by formby (2010-06-27 12:49:02)
The british government bravely, if a bit late acknowledged Bloody Sunday was the result of military error and not the victims.
O.K. to avoid this issue clouding the forum I am willing to forever keep my future silence. I ask a modest and onetime only compensation; a bottle of laphroaig, a few macclesfield ties and any Woods of Windsor EDT still to be found.
Here's your chance guys, don't muck it up or I'll forever and a day remind you about Cromwell.
And here is the RR outside-Ta for now!
ochone! ochone! The heathen base,brutal and bloody sassanach catterwaling about jews sniveling over the Holacoast gets a lighthearted poke in the ribs and instead feels the british lion's tail being twisted, fixes bayonets and forms squares while running up the butcher's apron.
Formby- you've been punked! And now I am truly off in the greatest car ever built- but then Royce was irish.
Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2010-06-27 13:20:27)
Last edited by formby (2010-06-27 14:00:04)