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#1 2006-12-12 11:35:08

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9345

Approaches to style

The style triangle:

1. Taste and style and fitness for your personal coloring ala Flusser. This is where one is concerned on combinations for their aesthetically pleasing qualities. At it's more individual end, combinations are chosen more for their artisitic flair than for any sense of propriety. I want to wear a charcoal suit with a double track stripe in bright red, therefore I do. I love clothes and I want to wear things that i love and which enhance me. I am Dandy, hear me roar.

2. Appropriateness for the event/business you are conducting and the crowd observing or receiving you. That would be the more scientific approach of John T. Molloy. BTW, anyone know if he is still around and where to reach him? PM me.

This stance may state that someone wears something they dont necesarily like personally because it tends to ge the results they want. As in, "stick em up legally and gimme your cash" or "you will like me in spite of yourselves."

3. Class. Enter professor Fussell. What sort of crowd are you in and what choices do you make irrespective of or because of the crowd you are a part of or want to stand apart from? I wear whatever I want irrespective of it's beauty or the effect it has on others. This part of the triangle signals what background you are both to your crowd and outsiders. "Im an old boy", or "Stay away from me; we are very different ducks." In some ways this is a go to hell stance without bothering to impress anyone else as to the beauty of one's kit or it's quality and upkeep.


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