Many of the items we think of as stylish originally hail from the top most classes because:
1. They have the money to experiment to get them looking just so with the choicest materials
2. They can have a larger wardrobe if they so desire
3. They can adopt something on a whim without regard to cost. These reflexes are then carried on by their issue which may not have money at all.
However, one doesn’t need to be from a particular class to be stylish and often:
1. The working class can carry something off with flair or even adapt an item which creates an improvement.
2. Sometimes the lower class is so sensitive to how they are viewed that they become more in tune with the details that imbue status or style.
3. The working class often makes the items worn by the other classes and so sees how to improve on the quality, beauty and usefulness of a particular item.
4. With less to work with, they make the most of what they have which forces stylish innovation as opposed to lots and lots of material items.
Any clashes between the ways different classes wear a different item are not necessarily about whether one is empirically stylish or not but rather whether how a look is executed is the way a particular crowd also does it. In some circles people appreciate how someone from outside pulls a look off and in others it is less appreciated.
That was well posted.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
It forces people of little means to do their damnest.
I remember a girl I once worked with...
...she had a very limited wardrobe, and almost no money to expand it, but she always looked like a superstar and sexy as anyone you or I could name.
Maybe the less you have the more what little you do have means to you?
And having to 'work' for your particular look improves your presentation?
Last edited by Terry Lean (2006-12-13 01:23:30)
I think it's important to keep a perspective. In the USA I think people are afraid of the "C" word because they believe if youre upper youre better and if youre lower youre not as good. Whether or not that is the case I do not necessaily want to discuss but I thought it needed clarification that there are many people from all classes who are extremely well dressed and their style is suitable enough to be emulated by anyone.
Additionally, you give everyone the exact same wardrobe from different classes or cultures or just amongst different people regardless of their modifiers and you will get a different look.