Frank was one of those legendary Soho characters: orphaned, petty criminal, a gift for words - and drinking - taken up by the literary parasites, made fashionable, made unfashionable, sank into a slow decline and died. Forget Adam Faith in 'Budgie', this is the real McCoy. But you'll have to get used to his style of writing: 'Stand On Me'. A world of brasses, ponces, tarts, pimps, ponies, monkeys, ducking, diving and sitting sniffing benzedrine in caffs that stay open all night. A literary Edward Hopper maybe?
The nearest America has to Frank, is Chester Himes and for street language, Herbert Hunke.
I only read a couple of his detective stories, a long time ago.
Edward Hopper's life was boring in comparison to Frank. I started reading a biography of Hopper's and sadly, there wasn't a benzedrine inhaler to be found. Most uninteresting.
Just thought Patrick might enjoy the language in this 'un.
'Go case' is one of my favourites - meaning, shack up with a tart after she's cashed up for the night.