Cool, looks like im the first to post. What sort of collar styles do you like under a jacket or suit when not wearing a tie?
That was fast, I just made this live.
Anyway, welcome and hope you find this forum enjoyable. About your question, though I generally wear a sweater under a jacket more than a "tieless" shirt, If I had to choose, Id say either a buttondown collar or, for summertime, a Camp collar.
I dont like the white t-shirt under the open collar shirt look either, with the possible exception of a black tshirt under a dark or a "hip" shirt (especially if the dress shirt is silk.)
Hope that helps, maybe someone else has a suggestion...
Two thoughts.
Take the stiffeners out.
I feel uneasy with the open collar look and so would usually wear a cravat.
I prefer button down collars when not wearing a tie. I also prefer ascots with this look.
First, Film Noir Buff, good luck with your website.
Second, I am not a fan of the traditional button down collar with a coat. To me a traditonal button down goes with khaki's and a windbreaker. With a jacket, what I do like are the hidden button collars. These keep the collar in place and high, but still have some formality to them. Or I'll wear a spread collar.
I agree also, the white t-shirt under an open buttoned shirt doesn't look good.
Hey Grey Goose,
Thanks for the well wishes.
I like the hidden snap or button down as well. But I have to admit, a button down collar is OK to my eyes with a suit jacket (well without a tie anyway). Admittedly, Im not a huge fan of a button down with a tie with a suit jacket. However, without a tie, I like the lack of sloppiness a button down can provide. Im not talking about an oxford cloth shirt necessarily, but something smoother,more modern like a medium grey end on end fabric in a high count (140s 2 x 2 and up). I feel the softness of the fabric is given a bit of control by the button down, which in turn makes one more at ease about keeping a semblance of orderliness about the colla and, as a result, allows one to be more stylish.
I actually prefer a rather wide spread, high collar for this look. I think that the prominent collar gives a very old-hollywood look.
I personally think a collar such as Barba does would be pleasing.
What type front placket and type cuff to complete this dress shirt tieless look?
Last edited by Cruz Diez (2006-12-17 00:51:07)
the first two are quite nice. I have similar color styles on linen shirts. The last one for my eye has too much going on. I had shirts made with the double button collar in the 90's but came to the conclusion that they were a PITA. I perfer a longer roll on the collar on my button downs. This one has a very high stance. They all look to be very well made.
cruz, I have a long neck. This colar may give the visual of shortening it. What do you think. You obviously like Mimmo.
Mr. Diez,
That pajama collar is interesting and subtle. I am intrigued by this Siviglia's shirts and it seems more than one member here has used him. Do you have a write up of his finer points and any downsides?
That pajama collar for me invokes the Latin (esp. Cuban) stuff I've seen. Very nice.
I prefer a simple straight collar sans tie. Though at the Symphony this weekend, I was horrified to see men otherwise dressed in nice suits sans tie. Very few in black tie. Yours truly held up the standard however.