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#1 2006-12-18 17:31:27

Marc Grayson
Posts: 8860

Can We Deport Cojo?

Last edited by Marc Grayson (2006-12-18 17:44:57)

"‘The sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inner tranquility which even religion is powerless to bestow." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not."  Oscar Wilde


#2 2006-12-18 17:32:32

Posts: 1330

Re: Can We Deport Cojo?

Who is that lady?


#3 2006-12-18 18:13:20

Posts: 341

Re: Can We Deport Cojo?

Excellent idea, Marc. I think he's paid to stick around so that he makes Joan Rivers seem charming.  I'd gladly pay all of the legal and deportation expenses.

Last edited by richt (2006-12-18 18:15:45)


#4 2006-12-18 18:26:22

Posts: 2310

Re: Can We Deport Cojo?

Where would be deport him?

I can't think of any place that would appreciate him for his value--that of a really bad kitsch object. Maybe Japan, namely a Japanese game show.

Last edited by Incroyable (2006-12-18 18:29:26)

Jukebox Babe


#5 2006-12-18 18:37:51

Patrick Bateman
Posts: 1006

Re: Can We Deport Cojo?

He looks a bit like Oscar Wilde in the top photo.

Although talent is not a prerequisite to being a tarento in Japan, sending this creature there would be a pretty awful thing to inflict on our friends.



#6 2006-12-18 18:46:01

Posts: 341

Re: Can We Deport Cojo?


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