FNB mentioned to me, about sartorial charity, for the holidays.
I have been thinking, about going to BB, to suggest ties and socks, to the customers.
Are you involved in any sartorial charity, this season?
Yesterday, I was picking up some ties and assisted a woman in choosing a tie to coordinate with her husband's shirt.
All I can say is he is lucky I was there to help his wife!
It would be an act of charity if BB would discontinue its non-iron shirts.
You should take a page from FNB and help customers try on jackets, too.
How about setting fire to your local Men's Wearhouse?
Last edited by Coolidge (2006-12-19 16:19:00)
During this most special of holiday seasons, my charity is a charity of the heart: I want to pay tribute to Internet message board fora moderators the world over, especially the stalworth Malindi who set the standard for moderating, for the noble work they perform and for their great sacrifice in placing we, the fora audience, before themselves. May God bless every one of them.
Marc, it's heartening to see such magnanimity.
You would probably do a better job than Brooks' regular alterations "tailors." Bring your tape measure!
Last edited by Vaclav (2006-12-21 15:54:49)