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#1 2006-12-20 13:41:58

New member
Posts: 3

shirt collar advice needed

I stumbled upon this site and am interested in learning the art of smart dressing.  After much research I've decided to start by placing an order for a formal basic white custom made shirt with Jantzen tailor.  However, I am uncertain as to which collar I should choose.  I was thinking a regular point or semi-spread.  It seems maybe my face would be too narrow for a full spread?  Can anyone advice me in this matter?  Thank you very much!

Last edited by vulgarian (2007-01-03 18:47:48)


#2 2006-12-20 14:57:51

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: shirt collar advice needed

Go regular.
Experiment with the semi-spread.
Take your time and enjoy making your choice.


Please tell me if I am being too personal here -
A wider spread Soul Patch would help the whole collar/tie spread thing also, I think.

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#3 2006-12-20 20:25:07

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9345

Re: shirt collar advice needed

You can wear any collar as long as it's built specifically for you. I would try a semi spread first. Just my opinion. I would send jantzen a photo of you too so they can decide better how to make the collar.

There really is no substitute for in person measurements because it isnt a matter of which collar style is best for you but rather how each collar style is constructed for you personally. Everyone's jaw is different, moves differently, and your neck bends different, posture varies etc, and it all plays a part in building a shirt for you. That's why self-measure is a bit of a gamble.

That said, seems like a lot of people are happy with jantzen, at least after a few trys, and it certainly is a nice way to ease yourself into the custom world so enjoy yourself.


#4 2006-12-21 12:22:11

New member
Posts: 3

Re: shirt collar advice needed

Thanks for the advice!!  I guess I'll try a semi-spread.


#5 2006-12-22 04:41:28

Posts: 6433

Re: shirt collar advice needed

I don't think that collar looks bad at all.  No offense, but is that a pre-tied bow?  Or are you just a perfect knotter?

As for wings, I'm partial to using the detachable wing collar and the attached turndown collar for formal shirts.

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#6 2006-12-22 08:46:21

New member
Posts: 3

Re: shirt collar advice needed

that was a rented tux for a wedding i recently went to and can't remember if the bow came pre-tied (probably).  I just posted that pic, cause it's the only one I have on my computer.  i don't know much about fine clothing (wings, detachable wing collars, etc...) so I'll have to read up on that.  I just want to start building a nice wardrobe, so that when I enter the professional world in the next year I'll be ready.


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