This may or may not have anything to do with clothes, but I will throw it up. I've been watching a documentary on Bing Crosby, which any clothing fan would enjoy watching. But as I watched it I kept thinking of a missed chance. I was a student in London in 1976 and Mr. Crosby was doing a Christmas Show at the legendary Palladium. I wanted to go, but I was too young and thought it was just too uncool to buy a concert ticket to Bing Crosby. of course he was dead a year later. My father's favorite singer. he had stories about going to see him live during the real Great War (WWII). One of my now treasured possessions is the 4 CD collection that i gave him for Christmas 15 or 20 years ago. The great singer of the century. I do confess I don't miss many chances now that i am older. I missed too many when I was a kid. regrets, regrets. but I have learned to say yes rather then to say no, when some new experience presents itself. and I actually did buy a pair of Alden shoes after a lifetime of buying English. usually reach for those Alden tasseled loafers on any given day, now. Of course I still shop at JPress. I mean, I haven't gone insane.
Last edited by tom22 (2006-12-22 21:39:41)
We've all missed our share of such once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Don't feel too bad. I could've seen Sinatra a dozen times but didn't. And he's just one among many. C'est la Vie.
I'm haunted by all the shirts I didn't buy because I thought I would always be able to buy them. Who could have known?
And The Crimson Shop - I thought I could work my way round to it one day when my Press obsession had abated like my Brooks obsession had done...
and now the shop is gone.
At least I still have my Press obsession continuing at full strength to keep me going...
I nightly pray for the strength of faith for this to carry on.
I missed a Mission of Burma show once.
When I was in my early teens, my mother took me to see Count Basie with his orchestra. Basie was well up in years (he would pass away about two years after this show) and drove out to his piano bench on a motorized scooter, but once the show started, that band rocked. I try to avoid thinking about the missed chances. As a historian I've come to appreciate the pastness of the past.
I'm resolved not to miss any J.Press opportunities this year either, Tel and Tom22 ....
Missing Johnny Cash at Irving Plaza in New York in '97 rankles ....
Not taking courses with particular professors still bugs me ... as does not trying hard enough to win certain winnable auctions.
The worst though is not going to see an old friend or relative who you think will be around for a while, you might be too tired to visit the person on a given day, or too lazy, or not feel like it just then, you think you'll catch them next time, and then ... they're gone.