Midnight inanity:
The iGentry suggest remedies for a foul smelling ebay trenchcoat (from Aquascutum, so you know it's worth any amount of effort). My favorite? Mist it with vodka! You could even take it to the next logical step and set it on fire, then promise your wife that you won't buy any more used clothing from ebay.
My hero Jwa Jwa Jwa apparently has never worn a sweater before. I guess his home planet is balmy year round?. "The organ that you call TORSO is constrained by the fiber mesh that I obtained from BROOKS BROTHERS. In my spawning vat none of the Brood of Gorgo the Violator wore a torso mesh, so I do not know your ways in this manner. Do you not find that it interferes with the gills?"
Managing consulting! Business solutions! IT! Why, you'll be surrounded by the sharpest dressed and least human piece of garbage-y people in Cincinnati! My suggestion: think taupe!!
In totally unrelated news, Internet comedy/nerdlinger website Something Awful apparently maintains its own WAYW thread, and it's pretty fucking bizarre:
I spotted Aeglus from SF in there so it's not a complete anomic wasteland, and they have a few women.
''Hello Steve. I saw your entry in 'Friends Reunited' and just had to meet up with you again. This is my sister Shirley and my colleague Jane. I hear you have done real well for yourself. That is a real nice area you are living in now. Expensive houses.''
''I do OK for myself Helen.''
''I said to my sister you were always such a nice gentleman back in High School. I see from your web page that you are interested in clothes. My previous three husbands were such slobs compared to you.''
''You said it Helen - especially that last jerk that ran off with the 25 year old secretary six weeks ago. Makes it worse he left you with nothing. ''
''Such nice cufflinks. How much do shirts with monograms cost?''
''The shoes too -Alan Aldens. So understated-but polished. Class! Look give me a ring; we should hook up together. Soon.''
Not inane, but quite funny and largely true:
The old bloke still playing his tricks, it's all about divorce now.
AAAC product recommendations turn foul:
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-09-10 21:39:06)
Last edited by fxh (2010-09-11 01:51:10)
Guy buys a blazer for five ( yes 5) bucks but is not going to be happy unless he can add a button.
Last edited by Ed-1 (2010-09-11 07:14:15)
Inked lard-assed NeuwAmsterdamBreuckleyneRobbbbb1234 defines the iGent: No roots, no history, no originality, learned everything from the internets. Here he is, a catalog of SF fads: bespoke db 2x2 odd jacket; fun socks, 2-inch cuffs, Phat Guido bag, bracelets, and finally, the newest badge of iGentry, the silk/artificial buttonhole. The shoes are probably cordo, the pants look like blue velour. At your own risk:
Last edited by Gilgamesh2003 (2010-09-11 21:11:15)
Last edited by Maximilien de Robespierre (2010-09-12 02:06:09)