Why is it so expensive to import from France? l buy $50 worth of shoe polish but end up with a total bill for $168 (most of the cost is cartage and massive bank wire transfer fee). What the hell is going on?
After waiting two years for my local store to try and get in Saphir, l decided to buy from Avel directly....it was the most stressful time-wasting experience i've ever encountered. lt's taken about two weeks of almost daily emails to get an order ready. l'm not sure if l could ever go through that again (too hard).
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-09-24 01:50:10)
shooey - careful you'll become an iGent!
Collinil for me.
Proper shoo-men from the shoo-world use Saphir products, l wanted to be that guy haha.
Check out this new stuff, deluxe Saphir shoo cream:
Truely, the Sahir products are very good, the best i've used. Saphir used on worldclass boxcalf is an amazing sight to the eyes.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-09-24 04:45:10)
It's available on e-bay from at least one vendor http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/matthewc4523&ssPageName=STRK:MEFSX:SELLERID or search for matthewc4523. I have no experiance of the seller but he ships worldwide and has a 99.9% rating from almost 10,000 transactions.
Last edited by JohnL (2010-09-24 06:26:37)
I would like to point out that any time I am tempted to buy something from Oz, the postage is astronomical. It makes English postal charges look like a bargain, and the English love to fritter money away on postage (Very similar to breaking plates at Greek restaurants).
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-09-24 08:52:07)
Film Noir Buff: what shoe polish do you use for your bespioke G&G's?
If you're equipped for Paypal, I could conceivably help arrange a shipment from here to Oz. You'll have to say nice things about my shoes though.
Last edited by Journeyman (2010-09-24 23:34:02)
The emails from that place are always wierd too. They always go on about the same old shit, but l have no clue what they are ever talking about. lt's a f***ing circus, i've never experienced such a load of bollocks in my life...it gives a bloke the royal shits.
lt took me almost a week to get registered to their site. l ended getting them to register me. The system kept on rejecting my password and it wouldn't send out another one, so l was unable to even buy anything the first week.
l admit it is all my own fault, but the situation is tricky because l have no idea what they are talking about most of the time in the emails. The emails go on and on about the same old crap and always talks about doing a personal pickup to avoid cartage costs...wtf???...they know l live in Australia, so why are they always writing about doing a personal pickup??? l even get some emails with nothing on them, just dumb pictures. l've had enough of the rot, i'm almost ready to jump on the green bus to town mate, it's a health destroying experience...vexes me to high levels.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-09-25 04:40:38)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-09-26 07:30:52)
After all the messing around it was a happy ending. lt is a good company to deal with....even had the manager ring me from France last night to explain some stuff to me about the ordering process (20 minute call), so really good dedicated staff. l now understand why they were always insisting l mark my second order as a personal pickup.